
17 Jewish centers had bomb threats yesterday

THIS IS WHAT A JCC BOMB THREAT SOUNDS LIKE: Seventeen Jewish Community Centres in the United States received bomb threats. Centres such as these are comparable to Beyachad in Johannesburg and the Sampson Centre in Cape town and house multiple organisations and many staffers who had to be evacuated. This was the third wave of threats in January alone!




Yesterday, for the third time this year, a string of Jewish community centres (JCCs) around the United States received bomb threats. Many of the 17 JCCs that received calls evacuated their facilities and contacted law enforcement, which is investigating the threats.

No bombs have, however, been found in any of the threatened facilities.

Wire service JTA obtained a recording of one of the bomb threats made on January 18 at the in Wilmington, Delaware, JCC which houses four Jewish organisations, (see picture below) during the previous wave of threats.

The brief call sounds like it was made using voice-disguising technology that protects the caller’s identity. Click here to listen to the threat on our FACEBOOK PAGE

A transcription of the call reads as follows: “It’s a C-4 bomb with a lot of shrapnel, surrounded by a bag (inaudible). In a short time, a large number of Jews are going to be slaughtered. Their heads are going to” class=”sfImageWrapper”>

ABOVE: This JCC complex in Wilmington, Delaware, which houses four Jewish organisations, was evacuated after it was one of those to receive a bomb threat on January 18 (Courtesy of Siegel JCC in Wilmington)


  1. nat cheiman

    February 1, 2017 at 2:25 pm

    ‘Liberals or immigrants or Muslims? Or all of them?

    Thats what tolerance is about……………….not’

  2. Gary

    February 6, 2017 at 10:58 am

    ‘that’s what comes of letting more immgrants in
    \nComment redacted due to hate speech  -ED

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