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4 young soldiers die in J’salem truck-ramming




The video above shows the entire horrific incident – not for the faint hearted

Israel is in mourning today as four funerals will be held. The dead soldiers, all cadets in an officers’ training course, had just disembarked from a bus on Sunday afternoon, on the promenade in the Armon Hanatziv neighbourhood of eastern Jerusalem, also known as East Talpiot. Three of the dead recruits are reported to be women.

Zaka Truck-ramming2The promenade marks the border between the eastern and western halves of the city, and is popular with joggers, walkers and tourists.

Members of ZAKA search and rescue organisation gather human remains for burial (Yehezkiel Itkin)


Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld tweeted this morning: “Police operations taking place in Jabel Mukaber in Jerusalem where the terrorist came from. Police prevented a memorial area being set up.”

All four of the diseased soldiers, all 20-years-old, were pronounced dead at the scene, according to the Magen David Adom (MDA) rescue service.

At least one of the injured is in serious condition. The injured soldiers were evacuated to the Hadassah Medical Centre in Jerusalem’s Ein Karem and to the Shaare Zedek Medical Centre in Jerusalem.

The driver of the truck was shot and killed in the course of the attack when he turned around and headed for a second attempt aimed at killing more of the soldiers. Witnesses told Israel Radio that after the large truck hit the group, it was put in reverse, trapping soldiers underneatrh. Then it drove forward and attempted to attack again.

Reports said the truck had come from the eastern section of east Jerusalem, an Israeli Arab neighbourhood of Jabel Mukaber. The driver was later identified as Fadi al-Qanbar, 28, of Jabel Mukaber. Hamas said he had served time in an Israeli prison.

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1 Comment

  1. nat cheiman

    January 9, 2017 at 7:12 pm

    ‘Israeli Arab. A paradox indeed’

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