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45 Beit Emanuel congregants defend Rabbi Sa’ar Shaked



45 Beit Emanuel Congregants

Our shul provides a safe and non-judgemental space in which people may express a wide range of opinions, and we encourage mature and open debate. We take pride in the unmatched breadth of our membership, which is ethnically diverse, politically diverse, and includes people with different sexual orientations and different ways of expressing their spirituality.

We stand by our rabbi and our leadership and salute their courage in standing up to relentless public attacks and misrepresentation by people who, unlike ourselves, refuse to be identified.

Irwin Manoim, Paul Davis, Clive Chipkin, Karen Lazar, Max Green, Harriet Perlman, Robyn Aronstam, Barbara Ludman, Diane Fine, Lily Manoim, Mark Lephoto, Belle Goncalve, Sukoluhle Sibanda, Margaret Auerbach, Jessica Sherman, David Fine, Keturah Dhlamini, Merle Favis, Allistair Balluto, Thabani Sibanda, Tessa Abramovitz, Harriet Gavshon, Ishvara Dhyan, Terry Shakinovsky, Gail Behrmann, Orenna Krut, Cole Meintjies, Scott Hazelhurst, Joni Brenner, David Bilchitz, Luz-Helena Hanuer, Merle Williams, Lesley Hudson, Melinda Silverman, Daniel Hudson, Ruth Morgan, Josh Sehoole, Matthew Nel, Jill Adler, Yda Walt, Rosa Manoim, Mirna Lawrence, Simonne Horwitz, Jesse Harber and Jane Lipman

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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Ishvara Dhyan

    November 24, 2017 at 7:00 am

    ‘i can think of many more congregants that didn’t make it to the list …’

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