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SAJFP’s Daily News statement a clear case of fake news



Allan Wolman, Johannesburg

Nothing wrong with that if that’s their opinion. What, however, is disturbing is that this statement was published in The Daily News, a KwaZulu-Natal newspaper that is not widely read by the wider Jewish community and insinuates by their opening statement: “We as Jewish South Africans warmly welcome the ANC resolution recommendation to downgrade…” that all Jews in this country concur with this statement.

They go further by drawing attention to a letter by “our Jewish Israeli counterparts”, supporting a call to downgrade diplomatic ties and support for the BDS movement.

This type of statement is nothing but “fake news” designed to create a false impression that all Jews agree with the ANC’s call. Nothing could be further from the truth. SAJFP is a fringe group with a membership that could probably be counted on one’s fingers and toes or perhaps a few more, if you dig very deep.

It’s not only fake news, but mischievous in its deception, as the uninformed reader must assume that our entire community supports the call to cut ties with Israel.

Has SAJFP ever endorsed the two-state solution, living side by side in peace? Not a call I have ever heard or read by this group. Perhaps it’s time to hear from them if they are supportive of a peaceful two-state solution or BDS’s call for the total destruction of Israel?



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  1. Gary Selikow

    August 3, 2017 at 10:54 am

    ‘SAJFP make no bones that theydo support BDS and a Palestine in the place of Israel.

    They are vile traitors and would like to see every Israeli Jews murdered down to the last child.’

  2. nat cheiman

    August 4, 2017 at 8:28 pm

    ‘SAJFP are the new Kasrils/ Goldbergs/ Sachs.

    They have a perception that the ANC and Palestinians accept them as equals.

    Not so.  I am told that they are merely useful idiots, ‘

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