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Carrol Boyes creates pewter Acts of Random Kindness ARK




“Carrol Boyes has used her distinctive style and talent to create the perfect fusion of art and kindness on our unique project,” says Rabbi David Masinter, founder and director of Miracle Drive annual charity drive and director of Chabad House in Johannesburg. 

Masinter explains how the ARK general project was inspired by what the Lubavitcher Rebbe said to a CNN reporter: “Moshiach is ready to come, all that is needed is for us to increase in acts of goodness and kindness.”

Masinter continues to explain how it is the Rebbe’s instruction for a charity box to become a permanent fixture in every Jewish home and office. “In the Rebbe’s words: ‘A charity box in a home or office redefines the entire space. It is no longer just a home, just an office. It is a centre of kindness and caring.’

 “Carrol Boyes has lifted this to new heights.”

The numbered edition classic Carrol Boyes ARK for homes, is a beautiful pewter centrepiece to be placed next to the Shabbos candles as a reminder to put a coin in daily and a few before Shabbos, according to Masinter. “It gives one the opportunity to instil in their loved ones that charity starts at home.

“The Carrol Boyes boardroom ARK gives one the opportunity to start every meeting on a kind note by having all attendees place a coin inside the ARK as the meeting commences,” he says.

Once the ARK is full, the money can be given to a charity of your choice, as stated on every insert that goes with the designer moneybox.  

Proceeds from the sale of this piece will go towards Miracle Drive’s Grow Your Life Project, instilling literacy and entrepreneurial skills in our youth.


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