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By singling out Israel for blame, the ANC shows its hyprocrisy



Sonny Myerson, Cape Town

France trained the apartheid-era armed forces, or the so-called special forces, to fight the ANC in Angola. These soldiers were trained on Elba, an island in Italy, with France hoping nobody would notice. I have a book on my shelf titled In God We Trust, written by an officer of the special forces. He relates how and where the training took place.

France also supplied the apartheid-era air force with Mirage jet fighters and helicopters, plus the spare parts. So, why do the ANC and the BDS movement have such a cozy relationship with France today?

The plot thickens. The apartheid government received all of its oil from Saudi Arabia and Iran. Gold talks. And today the ANC and the BDS movement are in bed with both countries.

As for China, which has partnered with the ANC/BDS movement together with Brazil, Russia and India to form BRICS, it supplied arms to the apartheid government through Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of the Congo), making that country’s former dictator, Mobutu Sese Seko, very wealthy indeed. China also collaborated with the apartheid government on nuclear energy, detonating a nuclear device somewhere in the stratosphere.

And, a German truck manufacturer – with the knowledge of the German government – built a special vehicle to operate in desert conditions for the apartheid government forces fighting the ANC in Angola. Think Field Marshal Rommel in the Western desert.

So, I ask myself: Why blame only Israel? The answer I believe is anti-Semitism.



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1 Comment

  1. nat cheiman

    February 8, 2018 at 11:07 am

    ‘Much of Europe is also in bed with the Palestinians. They are even making up America’s shortfall on aid.

    The ANC are in bed with the Palestinians because the organisation is in bed with North Korea, Cuba, Syria Yemen and most other rogue states.

    Also, the ANC are clueless about almost everything including Finance; education; airlines; post office; water and sanitation etc etc.

    Cars and credit cards and whisky is their bag.’

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