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Human kindness helps to kill the suicide epidemic




Think of all the celebrities you know who have taken their own lives. Immediately, I think of Robin Williams. I wonder how someone so adored felt so alone? Where have we gone wrong?

Suicide and mental health have been in the news a lot recently. Think of international fashion designer Kate Spade, and now celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain.

It saddens me that it takes the death of a star to bring the issue to light. People who hear the news and say ”that’s terrible” or “it really is becoming a big problem” cannot even begin to comprehend how bad it is.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), close to 1 million people are lost to suicide every year. That means that somewhere on this earth, every 40 seconds, someone is deciding to take his or her own life. Many more attempt it. There are indications that for each adult who died of suicide, more than 20 others may have attempted to kill themselves.

By 2020, the WHO estimates there will be one suicide every 20 seconds. How can we live in a world where this has become the norm? How can people just accept these statistics and carry on?

There is social stigma attached to mental illness This is alarming, as indicated by the statistics.

It’s okay not to be okay. The sooner we realise this, the sooner we can start to fix the problem. It’s okay to delay or rush something, to make an impulsive or a premeditated decision, to do what’s right for one’s self.

Very often, we live the lives we believe are expected of us, rather than how we want to live them. It is time for people to live for themselves while helping others, and to stop being concerned with societal pressures.

It’s also time people become more accepting of one another. Treat others better than they treat you, not as a testament to their character, but to yours. It is equally important to help others. People feel alone, scared, and sad at times, plain and simple. Happiness is certainly not a constant.

I know all too well that this is easier said than done.

Be the light in someone’s rainbow (as cliched as that may sound). Leave your phone on always. You never know, you could be the difference between life and death.

Telling people suffering from depression that they are not alone is no longer good enough. Know that I, Alex Wolman, am here for you if you need me. Anytime, any day.

Don’t ever be ashamed or afraid to confide in someone. Rather, be grateful that you have someone to confide in.

Kill the problem, not yourself.

I want to start a campaign. Let’s see how many shares we can get with the hashtags below. Keep an eye on a watch. Every 40 seconds, remember what has occurred. Let’s show one another some human kindness. #1every40#I’mhere

  • Alex Wolman matriculated at King David High School Linksfield in 2014, and became a pilot. He is the oldest of two boys, and lives with his parents and brother, David.
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