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A time of spiritual growth and renewal




This being my last column before Rosh Hashanah, I wish everyone a ktiva ve chatima tova. May we all be inscribed and sealed with a year of success, health, happiness, and peace.

It is around this time that the board has to resolve the problem of university exams being set on the chaggim. Working closely with the universities concerned, we are able in most cases to address such difficulties, but in order to do so, we rely on those affected to inform us about their situation in good time. Those with scheduling clashes who have not yet informed the board are strongly advised to do so as soon as possible by writing to

In view of the expected increase in shul attendance, I also urge everyone to make every effort to co-operate with and assist the Community Security Organisation (CSO), complying with its recommendations and following its directives, especially when travelling to and from shul. In addition, we need to be constantly on the look-out for suspicious activity, and report anything out of the ordinary immediately to the CSO on 086 1800 018.

The Rosh Hashanah issue of the board’s prestigious journal, Jewish Affairs, is now out. As reported previously, this issue has a special focus on Israel to mark the 70th anniversary of the Jewish state. Strong emphasis has been placed on the role played by South African Jews in Israel’s establishment, War of Independence, and early years of growth and development, an aspect of our community’s history about which we can feel justly proud. Subscribers should receive their copies shortly, while for non-subscribers, the latest issue, along with all those published over the past decade, can be accessed free and online at

In closing, I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to Chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi on his 90th birthday. Over many years, Buthelezi has shown himself to be a warm and supportive friend of the Jewish community, both in KwaZulu-Natal, and on a national level. We have always been able to work with him, whether it be to resolve issues specific to our own community or regarding initiatives aimed at the betterment of the wider society. The board, along with other Jewish organisations, is in the process of organising a special tribute evening for Chief Buthelezi, the details of which are still to be finalised.

  • Listen to Charisse Zeifert on Jewish Board Talk, 101.9 ChaiFM every Friday from 12:00 to 13:00.
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