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Gap-year seminar for youth leaders cements unity and identity




Seventy-five participants from Habonim Dror and Bnei Akiva in South Africa, and Tzofim, Ezra, Mechinah, and Diller in Israel, gathered for a learning experience in Beit Shemesh.

Using a series of programmes inspired by Jewish educator Avraham Infeld’s Five Legged Table as a metaphor for building a strong Jewish identity, participants were given a unique opportunity to discuss their views on aspects of Judaism, the Jewish people, Israel, and Zionism, and to find areas of common ground.

“This seminar was the perfect platform to connect all of our up-and-coming leadership from various youth movements who are on a gap year in Israel. It promoted learning and growth… and allowed all who attended to forge meaningful relationships and discuss concepts of unity through diversity, community, and Israel”, according to the South African Zionist Youth Council.

Said Anthony Rosmarin, the Chairperson of the Partnership2Gether programme in Johannesburg, “All too often we find ourselves focusing on the things that divide us as a nation. This programme seeks to explore aspects of Judaism that unite us and build tolerance around our differences. Our diversity should be a source of strength and unity, not division. This is the message we wish to convey.”

This seminar laid the foundation for a commitment to work on co-operation across youth movements, and between South Africa and Israel.

  • For more information about the youth seminar or about programmes run by Partnership2Gether, please contact the Israel Centre
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