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Record entries to win R8 000 getaway




Win an R8 000 luxury getaway with SAJR

Two lucky SAJR Online users will walk away with a spectacular R8 000 stay at the Beverly Hills – at a time of your choice! Entering the competition is as easy as telling us why you want the prize…

Simply CLICK HERE TO ENTER. Join over 40 entrants who have already posted why they think they should be chosen as the winners. See if you can come up with a better reason and the prize could be yours. Post entries by June 10, the winner will be announced on the website on June 11 and in the printed newspaper on June 11/12..

This is going to be one tough call for our judging team – we are sure that the winner will have to be from among the twenty-or-so best entrants and drawn out of a hat.

After all, this is a prize everyone wants.


We already have our next two competitions lined up – so stay tuned and remember: You always win with SAJR Online!

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  1. Gail Segal

    June 1, 2014 at 6:24 pm

    What a great prize the Jewish Report has on offer!

    A return visit to the Beverly Hills Hotel to celebrate our 46th Wedding Anniversary on the 30th June and the hotel’s 50th would be a GOLDEN WISH come true.

    Those days the tariff was R 8.00 per night – today only a win could take us to THE HOTEL OF SUPERIOR STANDARDS- THE BEVERLY HILLS !!!

  2. Fiona Minsker

    June 2, 2014 at 8:55 am

    ‘My husband and I spent our honeymoon there 38 years ago–it was an amazing experience.

    Basically, with the pressures of daily life,we need to re-connect and rekindle that old flame !’

  3. Darren

    June 2, 2014 at 11:47 am

    ‘My wife is 34 years old and had a full hip replacement 4 weeks ago, while she was in bed recovering she got pneumonia and was put into icu for another 2 weeks, we have a one year old child, as you can imagine, not being able to pick up our child or even spend time with him, this was a hectic few weeks for the family, I honestly believe it would be great for us to spend a few days at The Beverley Hills, to just relax, recharge and celebrate that she is well and fully recovered!!!’

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