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SONA silver lining




The fact that the SAJBD, as the acknowledged representative body of South African Jewry, is regularly invited to important national gatherings of this nature is itself very positive. We have genuinely been made to feel that we are not just spectators, but part of the greater discussion about where our country is going. Chaya’s work in Parliament further enables her to engage with players across the political spectrum. In the same week as SONA, for example, she attended the Democratic Alliance alternative SONA, and the Economic Freedom Fighters’ post-SONA event at the Press Club of South Africa. By having a presence on the ground, she is the face of the board – and therefore the Jewish community – in the legislative hub of South Africa. By being part of the national conversation, it makes it easier for the board to fulfil its core mandate of representing the Jewish community and bringing its concerns to the attention of those responsible for determining and implementing government policy. The connections we have been able to forge over the years have time and again proven invaluable when issues of specific concern to our own constituency have arisen.

SONA this year was to a large extent overshadowed by the disruptive behaviour of certain MPs, which held up proceedings for more than an hour. For those present, it was an especially frustrating experience, given the importance of the occasion for all South Africans. Even so, I felt there was a positive side to the incident in that in spite of the crassly provocative behaviour of an unruly minority, the rules of parliamentary procedure were scrupulously followed in responding to it. The temptation to ride roughshod over those bent on causing disruption must have been strong, but instead, proper procedures were followed throughout. It was a sign of a mature democracy, and we can be grateful for that, even though democracy can occasionally be frustrating.

  • Listen to Charisse Zeifert on Jewish Board Talk, 101.9 ChaiFM, every Friday from 12:00 to 13:00.
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