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Jews a convenient scapegoat for communities under stress




Currently, conspiracy theories relating to COVID-19 comprise a significant proportion of antisemitic discourse around the world. This isn’t exclusively being pushed by the usual rogues gallery of right-wing extremists, but also by the Iranian regime, and in some cases by radical anti-capitalist leftists.

The South African Jewish Board of Deputies and its counterparts overseas have set up information-sharing platforms to keep each other abreast of developments in our own backyards and to provide advice and guidance where possible.

We have seen COVID-19-related antisemitic rhetoric surface in South Africa during the lockdown, but not to a great extent. On the other hand, after a relatively quiet start to the lockdown, there has definitely been an uptick in verbal attacks and harassment against members of our community over the past several weeks. One of these cases has since been resolved to the satisfaction of all concerned, and the Board continues to follow up on the others, the most high-profile of which has been that of Simone Abigail Kriel, reported on in previous columns.

Ostensibly, the resurgence of racial tension abroad (as shown in particular by the nationwide protests in the United States) isn’t a specifically Jewish issue. In practice, however, Jews are being brought into the equation by those convinced that they are at the bottom of a global plot to destroy the white race. This has become something of an obsession in ultra-right white-supremacist circles, and a dangerous one.

Amongst the many lethal racially motivated attacks that have been carried out around the world in recent years, three have been against synagogues, this in addition to planned attacks against Jewish targets that were nipped in the bud. Thankfully, no actual attacks have taken place in South Africa to date, but the potential is very much there, particularly given our own troubled history. There are, indeed, numerous online platforms which persistently lay the blame for the demise of white rule in South Africa on Jewish communists, capitalists, and liberals, and this needs to be carefully monitored.

As always, we rely on members of our community to assist us by bringing all instances of antisemitic behaviour to our attention ( While we can’t guarantee that each case will be brought to a neat, satisfactory conclusion, with the perpetrators appropriately punished, we will ensure that each matter before us is thoroughly considered and, wherever possible, acted upon.

  • Listen to Charisse Zeifert on Jewish Board Talk, 101.9 ChaiFM, every Friday from 12:00 to 13:00.
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