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About the South African Jewish Report
and the SAJR Online

The South African Jewish Report is an independent weekly newspaper distributed on Thursdays with a Friday date-line. 

It is the only national Jewish newspaper in South Africa and carries news, features and analysis on SA Jewry, the global Jewish world and Israel.

The South African Jewish Report is a highly respected newspaper with high quality content covering national and international news of interest to SA Jewry. It is the face of the Jewish community, referred to by anyone who wants to understand and reach this valuable market segment.

The readership represents a unique niche market standing head and shoulders above the crowd in many respects, including:

  • Its ubiquitous reach into the SA Jewish community

  • Arguably the highest LSM profile in South Africa with huge spending power

  • A hunger for a quality of lifestyle and not afraid to pay for it

  • A community of early-adopters of everything from gadgets to cars

  • Deeply entrenched in the top echelons of South African social and business circles

The print edition is distributed throughout the country, with a readership of some 12,000.

The digital (PDF) edition has over 32,000 subscribers.

The printed newspaper’s readers include the majority of South African Jewry across the broad political and religious spectrum, as well as people from other faiths and ethnic groups, the South African government, and others who need to understand SA Jewry and interact with it.

It is the forum for debate and expression (its letters pages are always overflowing) and the major source of news on SA Jewry including business, the arts, welfare, the professions, politics, society and Jewish organisations.

The paper’s writers and columnists include top journalists, community leaders, eminent South Africans and lay-people. It has both local and international content.

The SA Jewish Report was founded in 1998, four years after the formal end of apartheid and the ushering-in of democracy.

The Jewish Report Online and the Jewish Report’s social media platforms are properties of the SA Jewish Report.

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We are here for our audience. We’re building, learning and getting to know our online and social audience better.

We need your help in so many ways – most of all in telling us what type of content you would like to see on what platforms. Tell us what you’d like to see more of, drop us a line at and we will see if we can oblige.

The SA Jewish Report and are non-profit community media that rely on advertising income and the generosity of our donors to keep publishing high quality journalism and creating platforms for you to use and populate with user-generated content.

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Dylan Berger   

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Howard Sackstein (Chairman), Benjy Porter, Dina Diamond, Shaun Matisonn.

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