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Josh, do the honourable thing and resign as deputy head boy



Ellen Ettinger and Israeli friends

a) acquire a copy of the Hamas Charter (to kill all Jews and occupy Israel)

b) find out the reason why so many innocent Palestinians were killed and whose fault it was

c) take the trouble to understand the mentality of radical Muslims in the Middle East

d) as a schoolboy yourself, find out (presumably you do have access to the Internet) to what extent the Palestinian children are indoctrinated towards jihad against the Jews from birth and that death is glorious and joy only exists after death.

Have you heard the now well-known story of the Palestinian girl who was burned by her family and after lengthy treatment lovingly administered at Hadassah Hospital was caught at a Gaza crossing on her way to her regular hospital check-up, with a suicide belt attached to her with the intention of blowing up staff at the hospital? 

There are more stories like that.

As captain of the SA National Debating Team, you should also know a wise man knows when to keep quiet. You should also do the honourable thing and step down as deputy head boy of King David Victory Par.

East London


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  1. Miriam

    August 20, 2014 at 4:19 pm

    ‘Ellen good comment.  Kol hakovod – unfortunately some Jewish people have been indoctrinated with the idea that ANYTHING Israel does to defend it’s people and our one and only Jewish State is wrong so off they go on a hate tangent, never thinking about the consequences.  It is so soul destroying for Israel ESPECIALLY at this time when our beloved young soldiers are being killed by an enemy, who lie and love killing Jews.’


    August 23, 2014 at 4:12 am

    ‘YOU, jOSHUA,   you are an embarrasment and dissapointement to the Jewish community of this country. Your big mouth has tripped you up. Hashem sees and knows all. I wonder who has been indoctrinating you. I would like to put you into the Israeli army at the front where you can see how things actually are.  Big mouth – coward as I see you are – give up vice-head.nothing more to say to a big-mouth trouble-maker  – coward. Go to the front and see what it is like.’

  3. Choni

    August 24, 2014 at 8:52 am

    ‘Yasher Koach Rosemary. Might I add that the language you use should be that of all the community leaders, INCLUDING the Rabbinate.

    No debating required.’

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