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Who are the real Palestinians?




A user sent this doing-the-rounds e-mail to the online editor which is clever, sad, and so succinctly puts the case that we couldn’t miss the opportunity of passing it on to those who have yet to see it.

I’m confused — Who are the real Palestinians?

Israeli Leaders:

  • BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, Born 21 October 1949 in Tel Aviv, Israel (formerly Mandate of Palestine) 
  • EHUD BARAK, Born 12 February 1942 in Mishmar HaSharon , British Mandate of Palestine
  • ARIEL SHARON, Born 26 February 1928 in Kfar Malal , British Mandate of Palestine
  • EHUD OLMERT, Born 30 September 1945 in Binyamina-Giv ‘ at Ada , British Mandate of Palestine
  • YITZHAK RABIN, Born 1 March 1922 in Jerusalem , British Mandate of Palestine
  • ITZHAK NAVON, Israeli President 77-82. Born 9 April 1921 in Jerusalem, British Mandate of Palestine.
  • EZER WEIZMAN, Israeli President 93-2000. Born 15 June 1924 in Tel Aviv, British Mandate of Palestine

Palestinian leaders:

  • YASSER ARAFAT, Born 24 August 1929 in Cairo, Egypt
  • SAEB EREKAT, Born April 28, 1955, in Jordan. He has Jordanian citizenship
  • FAISAL ABDEL QADER AL-HUSSEINI, Born in1948 in Bagdad, Iraq
  • SARI NUSSEIBEH, Born in 1949 in Damascus, Syria
  • MAHMOUD AL-ZAHAR, Born in 1945, in Cairo, Egypt

So, if I understand this correctly, the Israeli leaders, who were born in Palestine, are called/considered “Settlers” or, more accurately, “Occupiers.”  

Palestinian Arab leaders on the other hand, who were born in Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq and Tunisia, are called “Native Palestinians”?

 [THAT makes perfect sense, doesn’t it?!]

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  1. shmuel

    September 19, 2014 at 9:57 am

    ‘The \”Palestinians\” originate from the shores of the Aegean Sea where Crete is located these days,the word Palestine comes from the Roman Emperor during the revolt by Judan and the Macabees  against the occupying Roman,s mistress’s name  Philistia and then Anglicised by the British Mandate of the early 20 the century to Palestine much like Bombay-Mumbai,Calcutta-Kolkatta  .



  2. Chana

    December 5, 2014 at 5:47 pm

    ‘to Shmuel

    That is where the Philistines originated, but not the \”palestinian\” Arabs.’

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