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Boycotting Woolworths:




In addition to harassing and intimidating Woolworths directors, staff and customers (and taking aim at other companies in future) why not have a go at Vodacom, MTN and Cell C for selling cell phones because the cell phone operating system for computers were developed for Microsoft in Israel. 

So, please destroy your cell phones and computers and boycott and intimidate Vodacom, MTN and Cell C, since the Pentium chip technology was also designed in Israel at Intel. Voice technology and the AOL instant messenger ICQ were also developed in Israel, so don’t forget to boycott any product involving these technologies.

Should, Heaven forbid, any of you or your loved ones require cardiac surgery, please stipulate that you refuse the insertion of a stent invented by Israelis.

For some invigorating fresh air, go out into the countryside and destroy the drip irrigation schemes used very successfully by many South African farmers, also developed by Israelis.

Do I need to mention more examples, Mr Desai?

There are approximately 14 million Jews worldwide and 1,2 billion Muslims/Arabs. Despite the anti-Semitic attitude of the Scandinavian countries(notably Norway and Sweden) in excess of 20 per cent of Nobel Prizes in medicine, economics, physics, technology etc, have been awarded to Jews. Whilst the Arabs/Muslims have acquired about .01 per cent – an extremely minimal number of Nobel Prizes, that includes the Peace Prize to acknowledge the terrorist Yasser Arafat) as opposed to the hundreds  awarded to Jews. Need I extrapolate any further, Mr Desai and cohorts?

Gresswold, Johannesburg


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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Joe

    December 18, 2014 at 4:28 am


    Devoid of


    Why don’t they protest about the violation of workers rights in the Arab Emirates .They should be boycotting the Soccer World Cup .


    Deceitful Demagogues with

    Sycophantic tendecies

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