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Khaled, BDS’ hypocrisy astounds



Allan Wolman

And for this act of terror she gained notoriety. Her poster figure displays her holding an AK 47 – the same weapon that we see Boko Haram. Al Shabaab and ISIL brandishing and our Cabinet minister were at OR Tambo Airport on Friday to welcome this woman who sides with the regime in Syria, a regime that has to date murdered more than 200 000 people and which our country maintains diplomatic relations with.

Addressing a forum in Turkey in 2013 Khaled is reported as saying: “I am screaming with the top of my voice: We stand by the Syrian Army”.

The BDS movement, well known for its cries of “Kill the Jew” will no doubt echo that call together with this demented terrorist who supports the carnage in Syria. With its stock in trade being hatred, terrorism and anarchy surely decent people need to voice their disgust at BDS who through their actions seem to condone terrorism and spits in the face of recent event in Sydney and Paris where people of goodwill marched in their millions in outrage at the acts that these people seemingly support.

Xenophobia recently raised its ugly head in our townships; hatred of other people or religion is what BDS seems to be preaching in the guise of fighting the cause of the Palestinian peoples – but not all Palestinians – not te thousands killed by the Syrian army that Khaled supports.

But who cares? It seems not Khaled or BDS – and this is where BDS unmasks itself and lays bare its dishonesty and hypocrisy.


Rosebank, Johannesburg

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1 Comment

  1. nat cheiman

    February 14, 2015 at 7:00 am

    ‘who other than BDS and their ilk cares about Khaled?

    Lets not get hot under the collar. I know of only some muslims and government type people who even knew she was in the country.If we sit back and watch, it may have a better effect than the vociferous approach .

    Most people abhor terrorism and the ANC have scored an own goal by welcoming Khaled. Instead of concentrating on the problems facing the country like SAA, ESKOM, Sapo, Bankrupt munoicipalities, Corruption, etc etc etc, the ANC tries to deflect these crises by welcoming terrorists. Can you imagine Boko haram or Al Shabbab or Isis coming to SA?. Our government is totally useless and they  (incl us will be wiped out). Our country is run by intellectual pygmies.’

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