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Column on Bibi speech makes him sick



Choni Davidowitz

After reading the article a few times, I literally felt sick to the stomach. Let me explain my disgust at the author’s arrogance: Some 2 500 years ago in Persia where almost the entire Jewish population lived, a Jewish leader by the name of Mordechai warned the Jewish people of their impending destruction through the urging of the wicked Haman.

Even though Mordechai was not popular with many, he asked the Jews to don sackcloth and fast and pray for deliverance. Imagine if there were a Jewish publication at the time whose columnist announced: “In whose Jewish name does Mordechai speak?”

Fast forward to Europe 10 years before the Second World War. A Jewish leader, like Ze’ev Jabotinsky, (not popular with many Jews) announces that he has near certain information that the Nazi government under Adolph Hitler wishes with all his heart to annihilate every Jewish man woman and child.

The leader urges the Jewish population to do everything they can to flee the impending danger. Once again the leading Jewish newspapers publish articles by columnists writing: “In whose Jewish name does Jabotinsky speak?”

Last week the prime minister of Israel (not popular by many) is invited to speak to the United States Congress. He speaks as the leader of the one and only Jewish state whose Jewish sovereignty has just recently been restored after nearly 2 000 years of cruel exile.

He emphatically states to the entire world Jewry that never again will Israel be harmed by another Haman or Hitler. Amidst thunderous applause, the prime minister assures the people of Israel that they will stand alone if needs be, to defeat any enemy.

Lo and behold, in South Africa, the leading Jewish newspaper publishes an article by a well-known columnist who writes: “In whose Jewish name does Bibi speak?”

Now can you understand why I feel sick to the stomach?

 Sandringham, Johannesburg

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1 Comment

  1. Rube Bark

    March 15, 2015 at 10:56 am

    On the outset as I have previously written about evolution and creation, it appears as in written in the previous letters I would be considered half Jewish because I considered that evolution as written by Darwin that it is accepted his theory was correct as was proven by anthropologists, It therefore logical since the planet earth is 4.5 billion years old. Since humanity evolved over the millions of years from prehistoric man through the evolutionary stages from cro magnum to neanderthal man finally emerged as homo sapiens, modern man, it is conceivable that this modern man emerged long before there were religious versions of creation which cannot prove by evidence of a supreme being  being in existence. How does noe deny logic in the face  of evidence of evolution.’

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