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Bibi slams Iran nuke deal on US news




Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took to the American airwaves to criticise the framework agreement between Iran and the world powers on Iran’s nuclear programme. Netanyahu appeared Sunday April 5 on the morning news programmes of ABC, NBC and CNN.

“The entire world celebrated the deal with North Korea. It deemed to be a great breakthrough; it would bring an end to North Korea’s nuclear programme; you’d have inspectors. That would do the job. And of course everybody applauded it, but it turned out to be a very, very bad deal and you know where we are with North Korea,” Netanyahu told NBC’s Meet the Press.
“I think the same thing would be true in the case of Iran, except that Iran is a great deal more dangerous than North Korea. It’s a militant Islamic power bent on regional domination, in fact, bent on world domination, as it openly says so. They just chanted ‘Death to America’ a few days ago on the streets of Tehran, the same streets where they’re rejoicing right now.

“Don’t give the pre-eminent terrorist state of our time the access to a nuclear programme that could help them make nuclear weapons. It’s very bad for all of us,” Netanyahu said.

Netanyahu told CNN that under the deal Iran’s nuclear infrastructure would remain in place, with “not a single centrifuge destroyed, not a single nuclear facility shut down, including the underground facilities that they built illicitly. Thousands of centrifuges will keep spinning, enriching uranium, that’s a very bad deal.

“They’re getting a free path to the bomb,” Netanyahu said.

Not so, says Feinstein…

Veteran Jewish Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein of California told CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday morning that the agreement did not threaten Israel’s survival and that Netanyahu should “contain himself, because he has put out no real alternative. In his speech to the Congress – no real alternative. Since then – no real alternative.”

She said his public criticism of the framework agreement and attempts to turn the public against it was doing great harm.

“This can back backfire on him,” Feinstein said.

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  1. nat cheiman

    April 8, 2015 at 1:42 pm

    ‘Many Jews are apologists. Feinstein may be one of them.

    (Is she related to Norman Feinstein, the anti semitic Jew? ……………………………….only kidding)’

  2. David

    April 11, 2015 at 9:38 am

    ‘I find it impossible to believe that ‘Bibi’ can react any other way, with the historic rhetoric and the current ‘Death to America’ chants which are simply added to the regular chants in Iran of \” death to all Jews and Israel\”

      If there is a choice — please illuminate it Senator Feinstein. –  or any one else for that matter.’

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