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Cape Fed condemns slaughter of Palestinians






This camp which at one time housed over 100 000 descendants of refugees, has during the past five years of the Syrian civil war, been whittled down to only 18 000 souls, as most of its residents have fled. Many of those killed recently are from the weakest segments of society –  women, the infirm, but also include religious leaders, who do not subscribe to the extremist versions postulated by the Islamic State.

We are appalled at the gratuitous destruction of property, particularly the “cleansing” of historic monuments and of places of worship.

We also censure the silence of all those, particularly the media, who are always quick to condemn Israel whenever it is forced to defend itself, for perpetrating alleged human rights violations, whenever Palestinians lose their lives as a result.
The Syrian people and hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who have been living in Syria, have suffered unbelievable brutality at the hands of their co-religionists, with scarcely a murmur in the media. This double standard, where Israel alone is always held to a higher standard than any other people, needs to be exposed for the blatant anti-Semitism that it is.

The SAZF Cape Council, also wishes to condemn the perpetuation of the refugee status of the Palestinian people who are still, five generations after becoming refugees, being kept in “apartheid-like” refugee camps, cut off from being able to participate in the economies of the countries in which they find themselves. We call on all the countries housing Palestinian refugees, to close these apartheid relics, and to absorb these Palestinians into their societies and to grant to them all the rights that are afforded to their citizens.

  • Ben Levitas is chairman of the Cape Council of the SA Zionist Federation and a regular contributor to SAJR Online. CLICK HERE to see more than 20 content items from Ben on this website
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  1. Choni

    April 7, 2015 at 3:56 pm

    ‘I concur 100%’

  2. nat cheiman

    April 7, 2015 at 6:40 pm

    ‘That’s what the IS do best.’

  3. Gail

    April 7, 2015 at 7:11 pm

    ‘South Africa has absorbed millions of refugees and foreigners. How sad that Arab states refuse to do likewise. Their need to create a never-ending socio-political problem usurps even the most basic humanitarian feelings.’

  4. Myron Robinson

    April 7, 2015 at 8:48 pm

    ‘As usual the world media is silent about this ethnic cleansing. Also the condemnation hereof by those wonderful South Africans Tutu, Kasrils et al is deafening by its silence as is the condemnation  by the BDS & their Muslim Cohorts.’

  5. adam levy

    April 10, 2015 at 10:10 am

    ‘how hypocritical and self-serving. your crocodile tears fools none.
    \nISIS is a dastardly element, but no different to right wing Zionists.
    \nAnd by the way .. human rights is indivisible


    NOTE FROM THE ONLINE EDITOR: Users should remember that “Adam Levy” is a pseudonym, he may or may not be Jewish, he has repeatedly refused to divulge his identity but is clearly anti-Israel and, while he is entitled to his opinion here as much as anyone else, Jewish Report always adds a disclaimer such as this to his comments to ensure that users understand the position “Adam” is coming from. 

  6. nat cheiman

    April 10, 2015 at 4:58 pm

    ‘Adam, if that’s yr real name, no one cries for people slaughtered by their own kind.

    ISIS, Hamas and Hezbollah…… same religion, same savagery, same idiotic mentality…….. same people that are going to wiped from the face of the earth in the next war. And you will no doubt be around to witness it.

    Problem is that no one will ever know your real name Mr COWARD ‘

  7. Gary Selikow

    April 13, 2015 at 7:28 am

    ‘Dam Levy says ‘human rights are indivisable’ and ye he and his Hamas/BDS ilk want to kill every Jewish man, woman and child in Israel. And they never cry about human rights atrocities except when Israel defends itself’

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