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No to BDS?

A young ANC activist who said he was “blinkered” by BDS for many years, today told Jewish Report, on condition of anonymity, that “on a political front, BDS South Africa has threatened those affiliated to the Progressive Youth Alliance, namely Sasco, ANCYL and YCLSA and those in the ANC.”

This, said the source, has led to “resolutions which support the BDS movement.” However, he added, “the ANC has never resolved on banning any member from traveling to Israel” and that “Sasco and other ANC-aligned youth structures are going to find their members fighting back against BDS in future”.

Tonight, this growing band of future leaders plan to lay down the gauntlet to BDS – in the national media – and to challenge them to a public debate.

“At no point does the ANC endorse the BDS movement in its current form,” said the high-ranking source. “BDS is advocating for ‘Sea-to-Sea’ resolution in the Middle East, while the ANC is pushing for negotiated settlement through peaceful processes.

Other news for tomorrow:

  • Hitler lover, Mcebo Dlamini, threatens to sue Habib if he doesn’t get apology
  • Competition winners
  • Latest on the Israel/Iranian nuke situation
  • More on our interview with Prof Habib today

So, stay tuned to SAJR Online, we’re here all day, every day

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  1. nat cheiman

    July 15, 2015 at 3:09 pm

    ‘BDS and most youth organisations aligned to the ANC and communists have very little brain capacity and there output would hardly power a snail. Having said that, China has locked up a few of Desai’s brethren on the basis that they are security risks. They are being put on a plane (from being frogged march out of jail) to come straight back to SA. It will be interesting to see whether our Dept of National insecurity is on the same page as the Chinese. The Chinese view these \”brothers\” of Desai to be Jihadists. Let us see whether these brethren were just playing video games in China or whether they are the real deal.

    A letter from Dr Carolissen, of Wits, putting the Dlamini matter to bed, inter alia says, that the Hitler story by Dlamini was allowed in the interests of free speech. Of course Carolissen is absolutely correct. Freedom of speech is important in this country, especially if it is offensive. I in turn wrote a letter to Carolissen, and explained my appreciation of Wits university’s take on free speech. I told him that the boy , Dlamini, either got into Wits because he was black or that he may have faked his lowly matric.

    In any event, I said, can you imagine that halfwit as a lawyer? Or, can you imagine that boy as a garbage truck driver? Clearly, Dlamini has sullied the reputation of Wits and it is now in a quagmire from which it may never recover. Getting back to the ANC and BDS. The deputy Minister, Obed Baphela, has chastised the students who went on a tour to Israel.

    Just who in the hell does Baphela think he is? This is ANC thinking. The ANC is not on Israels side. It is on Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Somalia, Syria, Libya, and all the skunks of the world, side. WHY??? you may ask. Because they are losers. Everything they touch, breaks. SAA, Sapo, Eskom. Health Dept, Education dept; Transnet, Sanral, Home affairs. These bird brains cant run anything except into the ground. ‘

  2. Harold

    July 22, 2015 at 12:06 am

    ‘Calling someone a BOY in South Africa is demeaning given the country’s sordid past.

    Forget about Dhlamini as a lawyer , can you imagine Nat as one ?

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