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Join the left/right-wing Zionism conversation






Is might enough?

In one of his recent weekly columns entitled MILITARY MIGHT IS NOT ENOUGH FOR ISRAEL, Geoff Sifrin gave rise to vocal and passionate responses in the form of comments below the piece – which has turned into a left-wing vs right-wing chirp-fest.

“…we should not be too smug about their illusions regarding Middle East reality. We suffer from our own illusions, as no less a person than Israeli President Reuven Rivlin pointed out last week at Mount Herzl military cemetery in Jerusalem, during a ceremony marking 42 years since the Yom Kippur War,” wrote Sifrin.

Don’t be so seduced by false sense of security

“Referring to the attitude of Israelis prior to the war, he pointedly warned against being seduced by a false sense of security based on Israel’s military might. Military might may hold its enemies at bay for a time, but without creative and bold steps to achieve genuine peace, the Israeli bubble of stability will eventually puncture.”

As if at the verbal altercations between users themselves on this issue, in a Letter to the Editor, “Taking issue with Sifrin’s stance on Israel” reader LOUIS JOFFE writes: “Sifrin is obviously left wing and believes that peace can [only] be achieved by giving back land, and [acquiescing to] a demand from [PA President Mahmoud] Abbas for giving up Jerusalem, the capital of Israel.”

  • Joffe’s letter has rekindled the lift/right conversation. Here, too, our users have not been shy to have their say. Follow the comments at the above-mentioned links and feel free to join the conversation – either in your own name or anonymously. Remember that in the latter case your comments are MODERATED more strictly.
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