Jewish News

Cloak and dagger behind Hamas’ visit
The PALESTINECHRONICLE.com disclosed last week that “The Hamas visit comes after behind-the-scenes lobbying by community figures and a diplomatic visit to Gaza by then deputy Foreign Minister Ebrahim Ebrahim, in 2010. Ebrahim – a former anti-apartheid Struggle stalwart – met with Hamas minister, Mahmud al-Zahar, in Gaza.”
However long it took to put the visit together, it was a “below-the-radar” affair
Once the visit was organised and scheduled, the ANC played their cards very close to their chest and – even as they were designing and printing huge banners, inviting guests and planning speeches – they were sure to keep everyone else out of the loop.
RIGHT: Khaled Meshaal.
This allowed the ANC to make hay against the DA after a late invitation to Western Cape Premier Helen Zille to attend and instructions to Cape Town Mayor De Lille to give Meshaal the Freedom of the City.
As reported in The Times on October 21 and on THIS WEBSITE, the ANC was then able to “unfairly” tar the DA with a pro-Israel, anti-Palestine paintbrush, saying: “Unfortunately the DA leadership of this province has betrayed the will of our people‚ as the City of Cape Town and the Western Cape government continue to enjoy cosy relations with Israel and the Israeli lobby.”
But thinking voters are unlikely to believe that this was anything but pre-local election rhetoric (with local government elections scheduled to take place next year).
Another noteworthy thing about the visit, however, was the result of its seemingly clandestine nature. Normally, before any foreign dignitary arrives, Dirco (the Department of International Relations and Co-operation) would issue media information packs well before the time and invite media to apply for accreditation to attend certain events.
As this was not done, news was mostly second-hand and there were no biographies issued on the visitors. And so ‘Meshaal’s, name appeared spelt differently in various publications, namely Mish’al by the South African Communist Party; Meshaal by the Sunday Times; Meshal by the Cape Times and Mishal by its IOL stablemate.

nat cheiman
October 26, 2015 at 1:39 pm
‘Your comparison of this clandestine visit was spot on. One of the other characters of Mad magazine, Fonebone, was there to welcome \”Spy \”into the country. Remember Fonebone? Jerk. Idiot and funny guy.
Yes indeed!!!! We have fonebone as our leader, and who battles to count and has his own idea on how to get rid of aids, and who thinks that if students don’t have to pay, then it costs \”nobody not a cent\”.
Here is a leader whose government is taking on the might of America with its stance on Agoa and forgets about how deeply in debt this country is and how desperately we need the USA.
Here is a man who will be known as Homo idioticus when more intelligent life occupy this planet.
Here is a man’
nat cheiman
October 26, 2015 at 2:04 pm
‘Meshuga Meshaal/Meshal/ Mishal, mashal, a tochas by any other name.
Look upwards you rogue, lest there be a drone with your name on it.
Good luck in ducking and diving . Your life depends on it.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I drink a Bells on the IDF.’