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Another ORT JET Eureka milestone




The winners prove that there’s more to entrepreneurship than the profit motive: a simple but potentially life-saving device for cyclists, a home baker specialising in freezer-to-oven pastries and breads, an affordable credit system regardless of credit history and a seamless automated loyalty card app which combines all loyalty cards, are the winners of the competition.

A record-breaking 88 people entered the competition. All 25 short-listed businesses underwent intensive start – up business training. The 12 finalists pitched to a panel of top businessmen. “The mentoring session with ORT JET’s network of prominent volunteers, was phenomenal,” said 1st prize (Start-Up) winner, Orit Taback. “The incredible selfless giving and the interaction with these amazing mentors is priceless,” said 2nd prize (Concept) winner, Neville Fleishman.

Prizes included interest-free loans, office furniture, laptops, iPads, training, and ORT JET mentoring.

For the third consecutive year, Liberty has been a partner of Eureka with the competition aligned to Liberty’s focus on education. David Lloyd, managing director of Liberty Investments said: “Each of the contestants had a burning desire to achieve great things. Their drive and willpower make for a great formula for success.”

Wayne Gluckman, 1st prize (Concept) winner said: “The knowledge and skills we have attained in a short time-frame has been invaluable. Every exercise and workshop we have attended through ORT JET left us feeling more motivated and inspired than the last.”

The special Sheldon Cohen Mentor of the Year Award went to Mark Sack, nominated by mentees for his dedication, empathy and insight. Business of the Year went to Shalya Hirschson.

Paul Bacher, chairman and founder of ORT JET said: “It has been 10 years since ORT JET began and the success has far surpassed our hopes and dreams.”


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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Bev Goldman

    November 4, 2015 at 7:44 pm

    ‘So very proud of my young cousin Orit Taback, first prize Start-Up winner of the competition.  She has all the right qualifications for the award – passion, determination, talent, perseverance, charm – and a wonderfully supportive family as well.  She sets a wonderful example to young mothers wanting to start their own business ventures and become successful in their own right.  ‘

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