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Two-state Middle East solution is ‘anti-Torah’



Choni Davidowitz

Is it not virtually certain that any land surrendered by Israel to any Arab entity will eventually fall to extremist Islamic forces, as happened in Gaza?

I would submit to Sifrin (and former President De Klerk) that any territorial concessions in the “Land-for Peace – Two-State paradigm” are inimical to the Zionist ideal of Jewish sovereignty and self-determination.

To those who maintain that Palestinian Arabs across the 1967 lines be incorporated into the permanent population of Israel, one must ask whether Hashem restored sovereignty to His people after nearly 2 000 years of exile to die in the name of democracy and give equal rights to psychotic murderers, and hordes of their supporters.

Would it not be better to identify the Palestinians – as they have themselves declared – as an implacable enemy, and implement a policy that reflects this fact?

The only moral policy Israel could undertake is to offer non-belligerent individuals generous relocation grants to allow them and their dependents the opportunity to seek secure lives in any of the 22 Arab states in the vicinity.

It is understandable that many might feel a sense of discomfort and aversion to the concept of the word “transfer”, but the crucial question must be asked: Who in fact has the moral high ground? Those who promote the establishment of yet another Muslim tyranny in the historical and spiritual heartland of Eretz Yisrael, or those who promote non-belligerent Palestinians with the opportunity of building a better life for themselves elsewhere?

Sifrin and all those supporting a two-state solution, must explain a moral anomaly: Why is expelling Jews from their land to facilitate the establishment of an Islamic terror state considered morally acceptable, even commendable, while the notion of paying Arabs to leave their homes to prevent the establishment of a tyrannical state, considered morally reprehensible?

Each time Sifrin writes a column suggesting a policy which would put Israel into a dangerous situation, he is proposing solutions which are in direct violation of Torah commandments. He is correct that Israel needs a leader to bring a lasting peace to Israel. But this leader must be one who will follow Torah law as closely as possible.

“You shall drive out all the inhabitants of the Land and settle in the Land. Those that remain will be thorns in your sides and pins in your eyes. If you do not drive them out, I will do to you what I meant to do to them” (Num 33: 50 -55).

Israel must begin to be Biblically correct and not politically correct.

I found it offensive for Sifrin to suggest that convicted Jew-killer Marwan Barghouti be released in order to make “peace” with Israel. This is the most hurtful idea to the pure emotions of any Jew.


Golden Acres, Johannesburg

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  1. Baruch

    December 10, 2015 at 8:45 pm

    ‘I see the article has been removed – I tried to comment on it but my comment wasn’t published and now the whole article is gone.’

  2. Ant Katz, online editor

    December 13, 2015 at 12:13 pm

    ‘Articles on Jewish Report Online are not taken down – they simply move off the home pages by newer stories. There are currently over 12,000 content items of this website on the internet. There has, indeed, been a bottleneck in the moderation of comments (as every comment has to be carefully checked) by a moderator. The original article you refer to is De Klerk-type leadership needed to prevent Israel apartheid is still on the website and if you click on the link you will find it. There are several comments linked to it awaiting release.
    \nTo find any of the previously-published articles on Jewish Report Online – either use the search option and type names of people, places or subjects you recall, or go to the top of any page and among the main tabs you will find one called \”LATEST\” which will take you backwards, twenty stories per page.’

  3. Choni

    December 14, 2015 at 6:48 am

    ‘Where are the comments on this article by Geoff Sifrin? I myself wrote a few, but have never seen them in print.’

  4. Choni

    December 15, 2015 at 6:09 am

    ‘I ask again; Where are the comments on Sifrin’s article?’

  5. Ant Katz, online editor

    December 15, 2015 at 8:59 am

    Hi Choni, as I have explained in comment #2 above, the moderation process takes time. I will be moderating new comments personally over the holidays but the previous ones have been allocated to the usual moderators and will, I have no doubt, be released in due course.

    Ant Katz, online editor

  6. nat cheiman

    December 23, 2015 at 11:27 am

    [Racism removed  -ED] No peace until their butts are booted out. No diplomacy, no nothing. Turf them out. Europe and Zimbabwe are candidates for this mob.’

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