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Trump’s anti-Muslim ‘ban’ reported way out of context



Nathan Cheiman

The media selectively reported these alleged offensive remarks, preferring sensationalism rather than accuracy.

Trump has already placed on record, prior to these comments, that he has no axe to grind with the US Muslim community.

He did indeed preface his contentious “ban” remarks with the words “temporarily, until we ascertain what the hell is going on”.

It seems clear that what Trump attempted to articulate, (but fell short), was that the authorities would need to first scrutinise each application for immigration by Muslims. This is inoffensive if properly combined with previous remarks he made.

Clearly, Trump has the security of the American people as one of his priorities. There is nothing untoward about that.

Unlike Trump’s suggestion (to screen applications), many countries today do not allow Jews entry, nor citizenship. This is reminiscent of Nazi Germany during the 1930s. 

Today, (85 years later), almost every Islamic country forbids Jews to enter. Most recently, a Jewish family, one of whom was wearing a kippot, was denied entry to Jordan, an Islamic country.

Significantly and moreover, Christians, Hindus and other religions may not build temples or places of worship in these countries.

Kuwait Airlines recently abandoned a route in the US because they do not allow Jews on their aircraft. The US authorities threatened them with penalties and rather than accommodate all passengers, they abandoned the lucrative route.

Trump has pledged (along with other candidates), to move the American embassy to Jerusalem.

This is notable, because it shows solidarity with Israel, something that many Western countries lack.

What is the reason for so many Jews opposing Trump’s suggestion regarding immigration of Muslims?

Jews need every ally that is prepared to back the State of Israel. If Jews had united, opposed and stood up to Hitler and the Nazis, who knows what the outcome may have been!

These pseudo-liberals who suggest Trump is a racist, place Americans in jeopardy as they fail to take into account the reality of the current global crisis regarding ISIS and terrorists.

The entire Europe, including Scandinavia, is hostile towards Jews and Israel.

Trump says he is on Israel’s side and Jews criticise him for his temporary anti-Muslim immigration stance, notwithstanding the atrocities perpetrated as a result of Islamic teachings, instead of welcoming him and trying to secure a less antagonistic attitude towards Israel (and Jews).

The similarities between Nazi Germany and radical Islam are clearly apparent in their resemblance to barbarity and their hatred of Jews and any other religion they regard as unfaithful to Islam (infidels).

Surely, it’s time that Jews universally stand together and realise who our true friends are, instead of trying to appease people who have an innate hatred of Israel (and Jews).


Northcliff, Johannesburg

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