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Beware the seduction of populist thugs




Taking Issue

There is something satisfying in Malema’s insistent, theatrical highlighting of Zuma’s duplicity regarding Nkandla, the firing of former Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene, the Gupta’s influence, the disasters at state-owned enterprises like SAA and Eskom, and so on.

The waning of South Africa’s international standing under his leadership is painful – two decades ago we were proud South Africans, today we’re somewhat embarrassed.

Questions about who runs South Africa are crucial. Is it Zuma, the ANC, or the Guptas? EFF deputy leader Floyd Shivambu says the Guptas “have de facto colonised South Africa, with Zuma being the chief colonial administrator”.

One wants to cheer as Zuma squirms under the EFF assault. But we must be wary of Malema’s threatening tactics and the trend they set. His statements on the Guptas are dangerous. For example, that they “must leave the country with immediate effect”, journalists from Gupta-owned media The New Age and ANN7 should stop attending EFF briefings because it is “not safe for them”. And his ethnic references like government decisions being made with the Guptas “over a curry”.

Jews should reject this. Not just ethically, but based on historical experiences with anti-Jewish thuggery. If the Guptas are corrupting government officials for their own benefit, it should be handled through the courts, the Public Protector or other legal entities. That they are of Indian origin is not the point.

Referring to this invites the kind of nightmare scenario we experienced in the xenophobic attacks on foreigners in 2008. Or in April last year when Mozambican Emmanuel Sithole was killed in Alexandra township in Johannesburg during a rampage in which foreign-owned shops were looted.

Jews know the slippery slope of ethnic attacks not just from Germany, but also pogroms over the years elsewhere, where hooligans rampaged through Jewish areas while authorities either encouraged them or turned a blind eye.

In Germany, Hitler took power partly through thuggery: he convinced Germans the Nazis would solve their problems, so they overlooked their violent means and handed over the state – democratically – to him, leading to the Second World War and the Holocaust.

In seeking scapegoats, populist politicians with devious agendas could say not just “white capitalists” – in Malema’s words – are responsible for poverty, but could mischievously point at ethnic groups including “white Jewish capitalists” or others. This happened in Germany. Woe betide us if it should spiral out of control here!

There is tremendous anger in this country. It doesn’t take much to ignite violence ranging from killing foreigners, to students destroying property on university campuses, and physical confrontations in Parliament. Many South Africans – feeling betrayed that 21 years after apartheid they are worse off than before – look for a target.

Rational analysts and sane citizens know the ANC government and Zuma have failed dismally, but populist politicians know how to direct the fury to what suits their agendas.

It is clear Zuma must go. And the ANC has lost its way and should be punished by the citizenry. But thuggery is not how to do it. It could destroy this country and rob it of the fruits of the struggle of Nelson Mandela’s generation who fought for a better South Africa.


Read Geoff Sifrin’s regular columns on his blog

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  1. nat cheiman

    February 11, 2016 at 10:26 am

    ‘Zuma will go. Probably to jail. Malema will start a civil war.

    Talk about a rock and a hard place.

    These are also reasons why racism has reared its head.’

  2. Gary

    February 15, 2016 at 2:55 pm

    ‘EFF are in no way more so populist thugs than Zuma and the ANC

    I actually applaud Malema and the EFF for troubling the ANC after 22 years of ANC mismanagement, false promises and autocratic rule

    I welcome the end of ANC rule by any means neccesary’

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