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Shimon Peres to speak in Johannesburg




Pictured: During his lifelong service to Israel, Shimon Peres has held every position of note in Israel’s government. 

Peres (92) is the last of Israel’s founding generation. He was first elected to Israel’s Parliament, the Knesset, in 1959 – a post he would hold for a record 48 years. Having recently retired as Israel’s president he shows no sign of slowing down in his quest for peace. 

Peres’ unique brand of oratory excellence, his intellect and wit are all as sharp as ever. He is credited with creating the initial agreement that led to peace with Egypt and was a key actor in the peace negotiations with Jordan.  

He was also in charge of the peace process with the Palestinians that led to the creation of the Oslo Accords, earning him a Nobel Peace Prize. 

As Israel’s 9th president, appointed in 2007, Peres acted as a visionary statesman, vigorously taking the start-up nation to the global community. 

The historic fundraising event will be taking place on Sunday February 28. Tickets are R200 for adults and R100 for students and pensioners. To book call Lisa on (011) 645-2503 or or Miriam on (011)
645-2531 or for venue and other details.


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  1. nat cheiman

    February 17, 2016 at 1:05 pm

    ‘This gentle person is renowned and respected worldwide, even by leaders in most Arab countries. He is a true mensch.’

  2. Jonni

    February 21, 2016 at 10:55 pm

    ‘Peres arrived at KDHS in 1968 and told us half truths about studying at The Hebrew University.

    I and many others have never trusted him since.

    His career is one of blatant opportunism and deceit.’

  3. Choni

    February 23, 2016 at 8:23 am

    ‘Ironic that Peres who advocated surrendering large chunks of Eretz Yisrael to the Arabs should be welcomed, while another member of the Israeli Kenesset should be banned for following the words of the Torah which command Israel to drive out all the Arabs.’

  4. nat cheiman

    February 23, 2016 at 12:55 pm


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