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Selective morality of these ‘Jewish’ groups astound



Allan Wolman

Both seem to espouse human rights – not universal human rights, mind – but only human rights for one people. Both seem to support non-violent action, not universal non-violence, only violence against one people.

Both seem to oppose all forms of discrimination, not universal discrimination, but only discrimination against one people. Well, that’s also not entirely correct either, as their focus is aimed at only a certain “section” of those people.

So, let’s try to understand why these groups seem to care less about the Palestinian populations of Syria, Lebanon and other Arab countries, than missing the bus.

These “invisible” Palestinians are the victims of some of the most violent human rights abuses, and some of the worst forms of discrimination. Yet these atrocities simply don’t seem to bother these “humanitarian” groups; if they did, we would surely have heard their “voices” raised in protest in the pages of the publications they find space in.  

When reading their story, there is clearly only one single victim of the above abuses – Palestinians living under occupation. But they argue that it’s Jews (Zionists) who are guilty of discrimination etc and this gives credence to their narrative.

And here their hypocrisy is laid bare. If their Jewish conscience troubles them so, why discriminate against the hundreds of thousands of victims of Syria, Yemen and Islamic State? Surely their Jewish concern for the rest of humanity demands that they speak out against all these as well?

But focused as they are through their tunnel vision, why don’t we at least hear some “voice” protesting the greatest of crimes against humanity, that of teaching little Palestinian children as young as 11, to hate and kill. This is a crime that must surpass all they accuse Israel of.


Rosebank, Johannesburg



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1 Comment

  1. nat cheiman

    March 3, 2016 at 10:10 am

    ‘Perhaps these Jews are not Jews and merely pretending to be Jews.

    Liberals have no ethics nor sense of what is right or wrong.

    American Democrats are the same. If Clinton is not charged criminally for the e mail scandal, she still has questions hanging over her head about the Clinton Trust and other honesty issues.

    If it were up to the Democrats and JVJP etc , the world would have no borders at all.

    There would be chaos’

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