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In whose name does Netanyahu, or Zuma for that matter, act?



Michele Engelberg

It’s unrealistic of the letter writer to believe that Netanyahu represents all the Jewish people and then to get upset because one disagrees with his policies.

Netanyahu doesn’t act in “your ‘name’” any more than Jacob Zuma acts in my “name”. If Donald Trump wins the US elections I can bet that there are a fair number of Americans who will purport that he does not act in their “name”.

That’s why there are elections – for the majority of people to choose who the leaders will be. Elections imply that not everyone agrees on who should win the election, but that the majority will prevail. We accept that there will still be dissenting opinion.

Obviously Netanyahu cannot consult with every Jew in order to shape his policies, nor do most people expect him to do so.

Do you expect Netanyahu to consult you? So I accept that Netanyahu is not doing anything in your name (especially as a Diaspora Jew). Can you accept that too?



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1 Comment

  1. nat cheiman

    March 16, 2016 at 9:59 am

    ‘Netanyahu does indeed act in YOUR NAME, as a Jew.

    You may not agree with him and that is your right. SA, are becoming polecats globally, with Zuma’s failure to arrest Bashir the murderer wanted by the ICC. Zuma represents you and me as South Africans. He acted in your name and mine although we don’t agree with his actions. Why do I say this? Because he is our president. Lame duck that he is. Uneducated as he is. Propensity for women; Propensity for Nkandla lifestyle; Propensity for money ( Schabir Shaik; Gupta’s et al).

    He represents SA even though I vomit at the thought.’

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