
The Most Connected/ Disconnected Era
Expert presenters presented clear and like-minded messages. Ilanit Gerson and Luke Lamprecht talked to 150 people who had braved the stormy weather last week to hear about “Living in the Most Connected/ Disconnected Era in History.”
This was the last of the CSS/CAJE “Enrich Your Life” series of monthly presentations for 2013 which has proven to be such smash hit that it promises even more for 2014. Any parents who are concerned about their family and technology should have attended last week.
The CSS/CAJE “Enrich Your Life” series is a partnership between the Chev’s Community Social Services Department and Sydenham Shul’s CAJE (College of Adult Jewish Education) and coordinated by Chev social worker, Lara Noik.
Thousands of people attended throughout 2013 to hear professionals in various fields share generously of their time and expertise. “The good news is that 2014 promises a whole new and equally exciting series in this partnership,” says the Chev’s Celeste Everitt.
FROM LEFT: Rabbi Goldman – Syd/Shul; Luke Lamprecht – child and youth care practitioner and Director of Parent & Child Counselling Centre; Glynne Zackon; and Ilanit Gerson
Watch SAJR Online for their 2014 programme, or, better still, go to www.sajr.co.za and register to get the weekly newsletter. We are hoping to partner with the Chev and SydShul to give users long advanced advisories on their programme.
“In this age of smartphones, when kids are ‘connected’ 24/7, the borders between cyber worlds and the real one are rapidly blurring, and tangible human connections are being lost,” says Celeste. “Wonderful as it is, unlimited access to technology poses great dangers.”
Both speakers stressed the importance of parents empowering themselves by keeping up with social media sites so they know what their children are doing. They shouldn’t be afraid of getting involved, setting boundaries or invading privacy – safety is paramount.
“Children’s rights to privacy do not supersede a parent’s responsibility to ensure they are safe,” Ilanit explained. Luke pointed out that in all other areas parents understand age-appropriateness, unacceptable levels of violence, stranger-danger… but somehow when it comes to technology, they are reluctant to get involved, or feel inadequate.
FROM LEFT: Ilanit Gerson – school counsellor and creator of Surfing Safely; and Glynne Zackon – manager of Chev Social Services
Knowledge is power. “When your kids mention Instagram, Pintrest, Snapchat… go onto Google and look it up”
Technology can be a great gift but it’s also a privilege. Parents were cautioned to engage in lots of discussion with their kids about cyber-predators and how to remain protected.
Geo-tagging is one of the greatest threats to child safety and parents were strongly advised to deactivate all GPS tags so that when their kids post pictures to their thousands of “friends” on Facebook, their location is never disclosed.