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Israel launches predators on SA




The October Newsletter from the Israeli Embassy in South Africa, below, includes this wonderful story of how SA has been able to harness Israeli bio-tech – in the form of 160 million killer wasps to help wine farmers get rid of pests – the natural way.

Israeli company, BioBee, billed $24 million for the smart wasps, which are being deployed in vineyards and orchards across South Africa. This has led to a significant reduction in the need to use harmful pesticides. The wasps will primarily combat mealybugs, tiny insects that can ravage crops.

Read more in the Embassy’s October newsletter, below, or see the full story HERE


Why South Africans should visit Israel

Ambassador Lenk wrote in his recently published anop-ed in The Sunday Tribune:”South Africans should visit Israel. They should go to the ancient city of Jerusalem, a place that is holy for Jews, Christians and Muslims, where the religious sites are carefully protected and accessible to people of all faiths. They will walk in the footsteps of King David and Jesus and see the deep historical and religious connection of this place to peoples of all of these different faiths” To read the full article click here.

Israel’s BioBee Ships 160 Million Predatory Wasps To South Africa

Its no secret that pesticides are harmful to both humans and the environment, Israeli company BioBee provides a unique solution to this problem. South Africa went so far as to pay Israeli company BioBee $24 million for 160 million killer wasps to help its farmers get rid of pests – the natural way.The wasps are being deployed in vineyards and orchards across South Africa, significantly reducing the need to use harmful pesticides. The wasps will primarily combat mealybugs, tiny insects that can ravage crops read more.

The Balfour Declaration

November 2 marks the 99th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, which occurred in 1917.British Foreign Secretary, Arthur Balfour, sent a letter to Lord Rothschild,head of the Zionist Federation,expressing British support of a Jewish State in Palestine. This was not only the first political recognition of Jewish nationalism, but it was also reflection of the philosophical, practical, and spiritual meaning behind the historical link of the Jewish nation to its ancient homeland (Photo courtesy of GPO).

Our Start-up Tel Aviv winners enjoy Tel Aviv

Our Start-up Tel Aviv competition winners have recently returned from Tel Aviv, and like nearly every other visitor that goes to Israel, they were blown away by what they saw and the experiences they had. Kirsty Sharman, founder of Webfluential, came back enthused, “It was such an inspiring trip and I felt incredibly proud to be representing #TeamSouthAfrica!We did some VC pitching and are still chatting to one of the VCs, we got to meet some great companies as well as some inspiring people from the IDF. The week provided so much value to both me personally, and Webfluential as a business” .



MASHAV COURSE:Youth At-Risk: Preventing Student Dropouts
and Facilitating Reintegration


Every nation today is involved in the challenging process of providing a quality education to meet the new demands of the 21st century. Educational systems have to develop innovative outreach programs for these school dropouts, focusing all efforts on creating positive conditions and individual skills that will foster resiliency and offset risk factors.
Given Israel’s many national responsibilities – including the absorption of massive numbers of immigrants from various countries and cultures, while simultaneously dealing with emergencies – its instructional and educational personnel have an important and highly complex role.
This course aims to create a relationship of mutual trust with youth in order to enable their reintegration into the educational system.Help individual youths develop and realize their potential so that they may help themselves and their society.Reduce alienation from the community and society.


The course is being runfrom 26February to 27 March 2017
Application closes on 8January 2017

The participation costs ofMashavprogramsaresponsored by the Israeli government.To apply or find out more about this or other Mashav coursesplease call the Embassy on 012-470-3504 orsend us an email.

Israel’s FieldIn helps farmers track crops and cut costs

Growing trees has become easier thanks to an innovative Israeli solution that takes care of all aspects of pest management for high-value crops, using less pesticide.provide an end-to-end solution to special crop growers that follows our clients in all the process, allowing our customers to use pesticides in a smarter and more efficient way, reducing waste and spray mistakes read more.

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  1. nat cheiman

    November 1, 2016 at 9:40 am

    ‘Absolutely amazing. No wonder BDS and & its allies hate Israel ( and Jews). This sort of insect technology cannot be equaled by anyone.’

  2. nat cheiman

    November 2, 2016 at 7:06 pm

    ‘What is more, a comment under one of the headings, by \”BDS Works\” draws readers attention to 2012 billboards put up by Palestinians in JHB.

    As if that is the highlight and crescendo of BDS achievement.

    It is no wonder, Israelis achieve such miracles and scale heights that no one else can. They are focused on achieving instead of drek.’

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