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They’re popping up like mushrooms in Johannesburg




The billboards are a private venture and the first two went up last week – one at the airport and one on Louis Botha Avenue. Their message? That “Israel is the only free, multi-cultural democracy in the Middle-East”.

To press the multi-cultural theme home, says SA Zionist Federation national chairman Ben Swartz, the theme was very carefully selected. “We’ve used the theme of two women in hijabs and a Jewish surfer,” he told Jewish Report. Hijabs and Burkinis are being banned around Europe, explained Swartz, “while in Israel everyone knows how to get along.”

Swartz - Ben1This was the main driver of the campaign, he explained, as the scene depicted is a part of everyday multi-cultural living in Israel – to the extent that it doesn’t even get a second glance.

RIGHT: Fed chairman Ben Swartz

“We are setting out the true narrative for the broad array of South Africans who want the truth to be told,” said Swartz, and there is a lot more behind it to boot: see

“For us, it is such a topical subject,” he says, with talk in the US that Trump wants to ban Muslim immigration. “The truth of the matter is that Israel has more civil freedom than just about anywhere, that is what the board is saying…” he says pausing for effect: “and it is the truth!”

The essence of the message is that in Israel, it doesn’t matter who you are, you are all equal, he says.

The campaign has only just started, says Ben, and billboards “will be cropping up all over Gauteng.”

The reason we were able to do this, was because the friends of Israel felt this was a great initiative, he says, and sponsors were happy to come forward. Anyone wishing to sponsor a billboard – or part of one – should contact the Fed’s national executive director Nicci Razz.

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    November 2, 2016 at 6:55 am

    ‘Mr Editor, SAZF & friends,

    on Friday 26 October 2012 the very 1st Palestinian Billboard was erected near the Joburg CBD.  ‘

  2. nat cheiman

    November 2, 2016 at 7:01 pm

    ‘BDS works; Why would you think that Jews want to know that?

    It is irrelevant . We are busy with much more important things than that’

  3. ben

    November 4, 2016 at 5:12 pm

    ‘well done israel for promoting good things. its about time to go against the BDS who are bad for both people palestianians and israelis. they promote hate. there are organizations that promote peace and harmony between the two people through music or cooking. like the internet radio station ex pirate stationTHE VOICE OF keep on promoting Israel like that.’

  4. Sylvia Magid

    November 26, 2016 at 4:35 am

    ‘GREAT!   Facta non verba. Action speaks the loudest. Education is the most precious, the most generous in sharing, and creates Informed opinions.’

  5. hadley

    November 28, 2016 at 12:04 pm

    ‘Should you not have a bill board in response to the highly offence board by the airport that Israel is stealing Palestinian land? ‘

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