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UJW performs mitzvot in six SA cities




Johannesburg held a “Blood Drive” at the Norwood Mall, where 82 pints of blood were collected – a record for such an event, according to the South African National Blood Services. This amount of blood is expected to save 246 lives.

Cape Town’s UJW joined forces with Temple Israel and the Rotary Club and not only provided lunch for the residents of Includid, a state-run institution for adults with mental and physical disabilities, but some of the volunteers also assisted with gardening at the facility while others painted the interior of one of the houses. All the residents were provided with gifts sponsored by UJW.
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Durban’s Mitzvah Day project was a combined party for the residents of Beth Shalom Retirement Home and the residents of Issy Geshen Home.

East London donated food parcels to indigent families and in addition distributed beautiful knitted beanies and teddies to children in the oncology ward at Frere Hospital. A joint mitzvah between two branches was performed when the Port Elizabeth branch advised East London that a man – only going by the name of Velapi – whom they had previously assisted with medical help had moved to East London and was in desperate need of a wheelchair. And so a wheelchair was promptly handed over to a delighted Velapi.

Port Elizabeth held a “Sunshine for Seniors” Mitzvah Day party for the residents of Glenvandale Frail Care Centre, an extremely under-resourced home in an impoverished area. Each resident received lunch as well as a gift. 

Pretoria enlisted help from the residents of Jaffa Retirement Home to assist in making sandwiches for the outpatients at the Steve Biko Hospital.



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1 Comment

  1. Lynne Raphaely

    November 30, 2016 at 5:57 pm

    ‘Grateful thanks to the Sea Point Rotary Club for joining the Cape Town Branch of UJW at ‘Includid’ on Mitzvah Day.
    \nAnd a huge thank you to the Newton Park [supermarket  -ED] in Port Elizabeth for providing the lunch for all 100 residents of the Glenvandale Frail Care Home ‘

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