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Swazi, Israeli PMs meet on expanding relations




Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Swazi counterpart, Prime Minister Dr Barnabas Sibusiso Dlamini and a delegation of dignitaries met in Jerusalem on 20 December.

​The two leaders discussed the expansion of bilateral cooperation in the fields of water, education, agriculture, health and security in the context of the expansion of Israel’s links with Africa and the deepening of relations with African countries. 

Swazi PMNetanyahu’s media adviser said that “the two leaders last met at the UN General Assembly in September. 

RIGHT: PM Netanyahu with Swaziland PM, Dr Barnabas Sibusiso Dlamini in Jerusalem (GPO/Haim Zach)


The Swazi Prime Minister was accompanied to Israel by his Agriculture Minister, Moses Vilakati.

Netanyahu expressed his appreciation to Dlamini for Swazi King Mswati III’s warm regards and ongoing admiration for Israel.

The two leaders discussed the expansion of bilateral cooperation in the fields of water, education, agriculture, health and security; in the context of the expansion of Israel’s links with Africa and the deepening of relations with African countries.

Israelis in Swaziland planning training 

The two men also discussed the arrival of an Israeli delegation in Swaziland to examine the enhancement of the cooperation “with emphasis on training in the health sphere,” said Bibi’s media advisor.


The two PMs spoke to the media at the beginning of their meeting:

PRIME MINISTER NETANYAHU” class=”sfImageWrapper”>Nassar“There appears to be a terrorist attack also in Germany where German citizens were killed and an Israeli citizen was gravely wounded,” said Netanyahu.

LEFT: In fact, there were two Israeli victims, Lian Zaher Nassar, pictured, was killed and a friend was critically wounded 


“We send our condolences to the Government of Germany and to the families of the people that were killed and we wish a speedy recovery to the wounded. We will win this fight against the terrorists, and together we will win it faster,” said Netanyahu.

PRIME MINISTER NETANYAHU THEN SWITCHED TO HEBREW and added [Translated from the Hebrew]: “Israel condemns (the) terrorist attack in Germany … This attack joins [other] reprehensible attacks; terror is spreading everywhere and can be stopped only if we fight it, and we will defeat it, but we will defeat it much quicker if all free nations under attack unite.”


SWAZI PRIME MINISTER DLAMINI responded: “We are very pleased to be here again and to renew our partnership. And we are very pleased to see the country developing. You have many skills that we need in Swaziland and we hope that during our discussions we will focus on those skills,” Dlamini told Netanyahu. 

“And, about the [previous day’s German terror attack] it’s quite a reminder that we have to be united” he said. “It’s a reminder that we have to be united in the world.”

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1 Comment

  1. nat cheiman

    January 10, 2017 at 7:44 pm

    ‘Amazing the difference in intellect and attitude between Prime Minister Dlamini and Jacob Zuma. SA is being left behind in Africa’

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