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Trump will be better for Israel than Obama has been



Nathan Cheiman, Johannesburg

Emboldened by America’s vote on December 23, last year, in favour of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334, condemning Israeli settlements, the Obama administration furtively released the allocated funds for the Palestinian Authority.

Hence my surprise when I read Gidon Feen’s commentary “Obama leaves a rich Jewish legacy” in Jewish Report of January 27.

I was compelled to read on, despite my conflicting views. World affairs have substantially changed and it is dubious whether the media have been attentive to this fact.

On November 16, last year, The Algemeiner wrote: “The case for Trump in Israel is less about Trump and more about Israel”, although Donald Trump has said, of Netanyahu: “Terrific guy, terrific leader”.

One thing is clear about the Trump administration and that is he will reinforce the economy and security of both Israel and America, thus reducing global instability.

Moreover, the Trump administration is aware of Jewish sovereignty over the Land of Israel as a right, historically, and the fact that Israel is a strategic ally of the US, with a powerful and effective military force.

These strategic interests eclipse Palestinian issues and are not at the core of Middle East chaos, nor are they the cause of the Arab/Israeli conflict.

Additionally, Hamas and many other Muslim radical organisations’ proliferation of terror in Gaza and Judea and Samaria, anti-US incitement and Palestinian hate education, has not been conducive toward America supporting a Palestinian state.

The reason Trump has not condemned the 3 000 houses to be built in Judea and Samaria, is because he and his administration, unlike the Obama administration, do not consider the settlements an obstacle to peace.

Also, the Trump team considers Jerusalem as the ancient capital of Israel. 

Barack Obama and Donald Trump have nothing in common. Their views are antithetical. Whereas Obama spoke poignantly about Israel and the Jews, Trump’s promises and manifestations will achieve more for Israel.

It is apposite that President Trump has already frozen the proceeds intended for the Palestinian Authority.


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