
A blank front page? Here’s why
This week, we’ve taken the unprecedented step of printing a blank front page of the newspaper.
The reason is simple, without YOU, there is no SA Jewish Report, there is no news, and our community has no voice.
Since 7 October, our community has learned an important lesson about South Africa. While we have many friends and supporters and the backing of the vast majority of ordinary South Africans, much of the media and political elite has been captured by the ideology of a morally bankrupt, jihadist death cult that would prefer us to be silenced.
They mistakenly believe that their opinions matter, but I quote Menachem Begin, “I am not a Jew with trembling knees. I am a proud Jew with 3 700 years of civilised history. Nobody came to our aid when we were dying in the gas chambers and ovens. Nobody came to our aid when we were striving to create our country. We paid for it. We fought for it. We died for it. We will stand by our principles. We will defend them. And, when necessary, we will die for them again, with or without your aid.”
We will never forget the image of Cyril Ramaphosa draped in a Palestinian keffiyeh mere days after the Hamas invasion of Israel and the slaughter of 1 200 innocent people, the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. His failure to acknowledge the South Africans murdered and taken hostage will forever be a blot on his already tarnished presidency.
We will not forget Hamas’s visit to South Africa and the African National Congress (ANC) hosting its representatives in both Parliament and the ANC offices in Johannesburg. We will not forget Naledi Pandor’s phone call to Hamas or Julius Malema’s threats to arm Hamas!
We have exposed the hypocrisy of the South African government, we have given a voice to the dead, and we have amplified the plight of the hostages.
We will not be silenced!
We will tell the truth, and stand up for our principles and our community amidst a sea of media lies and propaganda, but we cannot do that without you.
If having a Jewish voice is important to you, then we need you to take action NOW and donate generously to the SA Jewish Report.
If you do nothing, our voice will fade, our community will be silenced, and the only voices to be heard will be the ravings of Naledi Pandor and Julius Malema.
You hold the fate of the SA Jewish Report in your hands. Be bold, be brave, and ensure that our community does not lose its voice.
Our banking details are below.
Warm regards
Howard Sackstein
Chairperson: SA Jewish Report
Bank Details
SA Jewish Report Holdings NPC
Absa Bank Business Cheque Account
Account No: 4104678169
Branch Code: 632005
Swift Code: ABSAZAJJ
Click here to donate: bit.ly/sajrdon

February 20, 2025 at 4:21 pm
SAJR is such a necessary source..I hope you survive.
Our esteemed Rabbi Goldstein has been accused by Anton Harber(News24 provided free) of being too close to fascists/nazis like Trump and Musk. But remember Anton your endorsement many years ago at an anti censorship fest at Wits your determination to have public showings of Nazi War propaganda film “Judd Suss” to be shown to anyone who wanted.
The SAJBD correctly blocked you and your ilk from disseminating such inciteful anti semitic material since the film was under sanction by the film archive of Germany. It sounds to me that you were closer to nazism than Trump or Musk now. Also you are deceitfully and conceitedly ignorant of the 5th amendment of the US Constitution(Bill of Rights”) which is clear in allowing expropriation from a private owner to a public owner for public works but never from one private owner to another private owner.(Zim style) Some genius at DIRCO invoked the “eminent domain” which precisely dissects this point and he got it wrong.Ourlaw does go further than the proscription of the US constitution. Yes Afrikaans farmers are threatened.But you in your Melville mansion or your colleagues in Fordburg are under similar threat. BTW Thanks for not mentioning the hostages who have been held by Hamas in violation of IHL and IHML which makes this war logical.
Our chief Rabbi Goldstein does have a soul with a carapace of steel
As for mondli mokanaye (also in news24,free) how does one not characterize Hamas as the embodiment of evil?
and he wants us to sympathise with the innocent palestinians of Gaza who have covered for their overlords in Hamas.?
and who are the real diabolical dervishes in hell.
Again thanks for not mentioning the atrocities of 7.10.2023 and the hostage taking.( As a digital hack he needs to bone up on the Geneva Conventions 3 and 4. and the Genocide Convention) What happened were egregious violations and your opinions are antisemitic by their omissions.The conditions of the hostages being held are worse than any SPCA. You have seen the evidence no doubt but fail to report or comment on it.
You talk of this war being a “vile fetish”. Try Syria, Iran, Iraq for a start.
Your vile fetish is perhaps a deliction for beautiful white women, on the arm of a white male capitalist.
As a self respecting Jew and Zionist,both of your views are trite devoid of any moral judgement.It is Hamas that has shown no compassion to us as the “other”.
Meanwhile DIRCO scolds the US government for its attitude to migrants but there is no commentary on illegally employed migrants(fleeing their home countries for the same reasons) and their employers being harassed and fined in RSA by the government.