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A poignant testimonial to the work done by Kosher Mobile Meals



Shirley Ancer, Johannesburg

I am quoting from a letter that Kosher Mobile Meals, a project of the Union of Jewish Women, received before Rosh Hashanah some years ago:

“It is now the month of Elul and I am counting my blessings.

“Since the death of my husband I live alone in my home in Bellevue. I had always been independent. I used the bus to travel to visit friends and to do my shopping. I cooked for myself. I still have a char who comes in twice a week to help me.

“At 2 am one Wednesday morning I slipped on the tiles in the bathroom. I could not get up. I was in pain and I panicked. Eventually I passed out. When the char arrived on Thursday morning, she could not get into the home and called my neighbour who phoned the police.

“I woke up in hospital. I was very ill, dehydrated and I had a fractured rib and collarbone. The doctor arranged with Kosher Mobile Meals to deliver meals to me. The volunteers come twice a week and check on me. They are concerned and friendly. I turned 78 at that time and the volunteers and social worker made it a very special birthday.

“I was given a panic button which I always keep with me so that I am confident that I will never be without help when I need it.

“Kosher Mobile Meals is one blessing that helps me stay in my home and enjoy my life. I thank everyone involved in Kosher Mobile Meals for the work that it does…”

I think that this letter shows how significant an impact that Kosher Mobile Meals can have on the life of an individual.

PS: This recipient has since died.

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