Aaron is really rocking his socks initiative

Eight-year-old Aaron Greenblatt started a charity initiative at the end of March to collect socks for the less fortunate. His initial goal for Aaron’s Rock your Socks was to get 1 000 pairs and to date he has collected over 7 000 pairs and handed out almost 6 000.




His new goal is to collect one million and to hand out 10 000 by the end of winter.

He collected through family, friends and social media. This last week the family sent 1 500 pairs of socks to the Knysna relief fund.

“We have donated to a wide range of charities and organisations who have made contact with us and one of Aaron’s favourite spots is Dukes Soccer Club from Alexandra Township,” said Lee. They hand out on a daily basis to needy people as they see them.

Aaron said he will continue with the project for the entire year and in summer they can collect school socks.

* If you would like to donate to Aaron’s Rock Your Socks, e-mail; 083-304-4440 or visit their Facebook page

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