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Absa Jewish Achiever Awards – time to party

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The Absa Jewish Achiever Awards 2022 is going to be the party of the decade.

In previous years, we have had delectable dining – if a little staid and conservative – sit-down award ceremonies, but not this time around.

After two years of being stuck behind masks and our high walls, we’re coming out for a wild and wonderful party like we’ve never had before.

Imagine the party of your dreams, but think bigger and better. That’s what you can expect. Think outstanding DJs, tequila shooters, acrobats performing while suspended from the ceiling, crazy but brilliant dancers, and much, much more. It will be all we missed out on during the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This year, we’ve done away with the formal red carpet and cocktails and are welcoming the party animal in each one of you.

We’re still going to honour the best in our community, but we’re also going to celebrate each one of us getting back to life.

We’ll not scrimp on kavod for our winners, but we’ll cut down on unnecessary or long speeches.

Don’t for a moment think we’ll scrimp on tasty food or brilliant entertainment, because you would be wrong. We’re just doing it in a new and much more fun and fabulous way.

The SA Jewish Report recently surveyed what people wanted at this year’s Absa Achiever Awards ceremony and whether they wanted it in person or online. Fifty percent of those questioned wanted it to be an in-person only event, while 41% favoured a hybrid that gives us the option of either. Only 9% opted for online only.

As many as 86.4% want to be there in person, and 72.7% want their guests there in the flesh. We understand that not everyone is ready to be out in person yet but would still like to be part of the celebration.

We give you our assurance that if you’re part of a table but would prefer to have your party in the safety of your own home, we’ll make sure you have a party in a box delivered to you so you can join the fun online.

Nominations for this year’s awards are streaming in. We already have more than 300 nominations, and we’re expecting many more.

You have until 16 September to nominate, so make sure to do it as soon as possible. To nominate now, go to:

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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Helen Rosin

    September 6, 2022 at 5:07 pm

    I’m not sure if the achiever awards has happened !
    If it
    Hasn’t I would
    Like to
    Nominate Gavin Oster and Zach Oster who generously funded and organised the development of the TAHRA AND SHMIRA FACILITY in honor of the Memory of
    Morris Oster and Ros Oster

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