Academy of Jewish Thought develops unique learning programme
The Academy of Jewish Thought recently hosted the South African Zionist Youth Council in a symposium which included the Habonim, Betar, Bnei Akiva and Netzer youth movements as well as community members.

The event was held under the auspices of the Beyachad Community Centre, in partnership with the SAZF. A four-part series of talks began on Monday evening March 7 where participants learnt about “The Visionaries of Modern Zionism”.
Each youth movement presented a specific visionary in a dialogue fashion – discussing how that particular personality influenced the State of Israel through his texts and writings.
Importantly, each movement presented a visionary different to the one that they hold as their standard bearer: Habonim presented on Rav Kook (the spiritual founder of Bnei Akiva); Bnei Akiva presented on AD Gordon (the spiritual founder of Habonim); Netzer presented on Jabotinsky (the founder of Beitar); and Beitar presented on Herzl.
The idea behind this was to encourage the valuing of the contributions and wisdom of other thinkers and to deepen the general appreciation for other voices in the Zionist world.
Prior to the symposium, the leaders of the youth movements underwent training with the dean of the Academy, Rabbi Ramon Widmonte, where they explored the text and influence of each of the visionaries who helped to found and shape the State of Israel.
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