Letters/Discussion Forums

Admit that there’s no future in SA for Jews
Choni Davidowitz
This week he penned another well-written article regarding the anti-Semitic stance taken by a South African university demanding the expulsion of its Jewish students. (The article “Welcome back to Durban” in the online edition refers).
Feldman ends his article with the following words: “Today I am ashamed of being a South African. I weep for what the country has become and I pray to G-d for our future.” Strong words. One can only admire Howard. Feldman for a complete turnaround from his “unashamedly” South African” sentiments to “shamedly South African”. The only pity is that he and other leaders did not see the writing on the wall since our new “rainbow nation” was born 20 years ago.
I believe that instead of praying to G-d for our future, as Feldman suggests, our leaders, especially the Torah leaders, adopt the same attitude as he does, by admitting that there is no future for young Jews in this country, and urge their communities to make their future in the Land of Israel.
This is a “shmitah” year and there is no doubt that the G-d of Israel is at the wheel guiding His people home to His Holy Land. Let us hope that our children leave in an upright manner, and not by force and humiliation.
In his article Feldman writes; “I wonder for how much longer I can pretend that my family of Jews are welcome in this country.” I suggest that the choice we all face is clear: Either we continue to live in this anti-Israel/Semitic country, or we convince our young community to move to Israel.
I suggest Feldman has made his choice and I salute him for his courage.
Golden Acres, Johannesburg