
All the news items on Shimon Peres linked

Find links to all Peres-related content here – as well as those to come and later posts. JR Online will keep users informed of all community-related updates as they come in.



Compiled by ANT KATZ

SAJR Online will consolidate all reports, condolences, remembrance services and other stories relating to Shimon Peres under this banner and they will all be linked here – once it is all in order, the individual stories will still appear under our “Latest” banner and scroll-over sections, but not displayed on the home page, save being linked under this banner:

Items that are in black are on hand but yet to be posted – and all posts in the forthcoming days will be linked back to this page as well


  1. nat cheiman

    September 28, 2016 at 11:08 am

    ‘B D E and long life to the family. R I P .

    A man among men. A leader who was supremely elevated, eminent and virtuous in contrast to other leaders.

    A decent man and leader to behold.’

  2. Choni

    September 28, 2016 at 3:31 pm

    ‘Nat, You heap much praise on Peres. In my opinion he deserves very little praise, but much criticism for all the misery he has brought with his Oslo peace process.

    Hundreds of Jewish men women and children were murdered by his \”partners\” in the process.’

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