
All the top reads on JR-Online last week

For all the top news from last week on Jewish Report Online – as highlighted in last week’s newsletter that goes out to all subscribers. It is a free service and includes an e-Paper. It goes out 52 weeks a year – subscribe in the green sign-up box on the right hand side of any page of the website.




Shalom readers,

Despite the tragedy of last week’s ISIS attack on Israeli tourists in Turkey, an unintended positive is that after a complete diplomatic hiatus since 2010, Turkey’s President Erdogan and PM Davutoglu are now talking to Israeli President Rivlin and PM Netanyahu again.

And, having just returned from his ground-breaking visit to SA, Israel’s top diplomat, Dore Gold, visited Turkey and thanked them for their help and permission in landing IDF planes and MDA resources.

The post-bombing arrests of suspected ISIS supporters have resulted in the captives giving up precious intelligence, including warnings of an imminent attack on a Jewish school!

In a country mired in political uncertainty where tales of corruption and “state capture” have become dinner table fare, a group of young Jews, under the leadership of Howard Sackstein, chairman of the Board of the SA Jewish Report, took the initiative during Purim to host former President Kgalema Motlanthe for a “brutally frank” evening of discussion. Read all about it and see the adjacent cover!

With increasing numbers of high net worth South Africans emigrating due to an uncertain future and a small percentage of them going to Israel, Jewish Report spoke to a few of them about their reasons for leaving and settling in the Holy Land.

The South African Beth Din has taken a leaf out of its London counterpart’s book by announcing last week that it will be “naming and shaming” recalcitrant husbands who refuse to give their wives a get (Jewish divorce).

2 Interpol Israeli exdraditions

The matter of RABBI ELIEZER BERLAND (pictured in SA in December) may be drawing to a close next week. Hawks spokesman Brigadier Hangwani Mulaudzi told JR Online that “arrangements were made between the Director of Public Prosecution and the suspect’s attorney for him to hand himself over at Randburg Magistrates Court.” That was supposed to take place on 18 March. It was subsequently “re-arranged” for Monday 4 April, says Mulaudzi.

On the ongoing attempt by to extradite suspected Israeli mob-boss, Mulaudzi: said: “The matter of SHAI MOSLIE IS POSTPONEDto 11 July for the enquiry to be heard.” Moslie is currently out on bail.

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ISIS: ‘IMMINENT’ ATTACK ON TURKISH JEWISH SCHOOL – Captured ISIS members give up more intelligence on an attack, first saying church or shul, later school in four days!

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And, of course, the latest on the BOBROFF SCANDAL


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