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Ambassador gets involved in Mandela Day




This year the Lenks and the entire staff of the Israeli Embassy joined Afrika Tikkun at the Phuthaditjhaba Centre in Alexandra township to honour the legacy of Madiba.

They interacted and engaged in stimulating activities with the children who attend Afrika Tikkun’s Early Childhood Development Programme. 

They helped with packaging and distributing food parcels to 60 families identified as a result of certain socio-economic vulnerabilities, including unemployment.

Ruth Lenk hosted an art session with the six- and seven-year-olds. “I decided to do an art activity with the grade R class because from my experience, this is what this age likes to do and it offers a lot of creativity and development for the kids. I love Afrika Tikkun, I have been working with them for four years now and I have enjoyed every minute of it,” she remarked.

Bridget, an Afrika Tikkun beneficiary, said: “We are thankful for this act of ‘ubuntu’. As Nelson Mandela said,  ‘I dream of the realisation of the unity of Africa, whereby its leaders combine in their efforts to solve the problems of this continent’.”

 “I am so happy to spend my afternoon meeting children who are smart and exciting, loving and ready to play. It is such as incredible opportunity,” said Deputy Ambassador Ayellet Black.


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