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Ambassador Ngombane shocked at allegations

South African Ambassador to Israel Sisa Ngombane was shocked when he arrived at work on Monday morning to find he was allegedly facing censure by the Department of International Relations and Co-operation (Dirco).




The Sunday Independent fingered him among eight South African diplomats. According to the article, Dirco asked the State Security Agency to investigate whether their security clearance should be withdrawn, which could lead to their recall or expulsion from the foreign service.

Among the alleged offences are public violence, tax fraud, reckless and negligent driving and culpable homicide. On that list is Ambassador Ngombane, whom the story says “was arrested after attending a gathering after it was prohibited”. The Jewish Report spoke to Ambassador Ngombane in Tel Aviv.

“I had no inkling of this story until I got to the office on Monday. It was very painful for me and I was shocked to just see my name put there,” Ngombane, said. “I have never attended or been arrested at any prohibited gathering, here or in South Africa. This is a total fabrication.”

He was distressed that neither the journalist nor the parliamentary portfolio committee had contacted him before running the story. The Ambassador has made and received several calls in an attempt to clear his name.

Ngombane is an experienced career diplomat of 30 years, having been Ambassador to Côte d’Ivoire, the DRC and Malaysia, before taking up the Israel posting in 2013. But pro-Palestinian activists, including BDS-SA, have accused Ngombane of being too supportive of Israel, out of step with the Union Buildings, and betraying the Palestinian struggle.

One instance occurred at a media conference in October last year, welcoming a South African activist back to the country after she was deported from Israel, from a flotilla to Gaza.

A YouTube video shows the moderator stopping the Ambassador from speaking and him being angrily drowned out by cries of “Free, free, Palestine! Down, down, Israel!” after he mentioned the three Israeli teenagers murdered in the West Bank that sparked the 2014 conflict with Gaza. He was blamed for espousing “an Israeli narrative”.

Shortly thereafter, Deputy Minister of International Relations and Co-operation Luwellyn Landers, urged that Ambassador Ngombane be recalled, for veering from official South African foreign policy and putting forward his own views.

So, was BDS-SA behind this allegation? “We can’t discount that,” Ngombane said. “They have long accused me of mouthing an IDF (Israel Defence Forces) position, which is pure nonsense…

“People always find reason to put my name in places that are not honourable, and imply that I am not fit to be a diplomat. This campaign unfortunately is really becoming personal against me.”

But he believes strongly in maintaining diplomatic and commercial relations with Israel, and that President Jacob Zuma retains confidence in him to do his job.

“The reality is South Africa wants to work for peace here. There is no other way, and the sides need to find each other. We need to maintain access and influence on the role players. This does not mean we always agree with the Israeli government, and we condemn them when needed.”

Dirco spokesman, Clayson Monyela, however, said the Sunday Independent article had misunderstood a response to a parliamentary question.

“The incidents referred to happened prior to the diplomats being posted,” he said. “No one is being investigated and they remain on active duty. None are being recalled.”

He would not elaborate on the specific allegation against Ngombane, and said Dirco has written to the newspaper asking for the opportunity to respond.

But the truth is the smears and reputational damage to Ambassador Sisa Ngombane, once aired, will be difficult to reverse. 

1 Comment

  1. nat cheiman

    February 16, 2017 at 3:23 pm

    ‘A taste of things to come ( not for Ngombane). BDS are going to soon be history in the USA and indeed in some European countries ( after elections). Trump and the Republicans will not stand for lies and deceit that emanate from BDS and anti Israel lobby. Already, businesses that boycott Israel will be targeted by the US government insofar as dealing financially with the US government. Mr Ngombane is going to be the least of BDS’ worries . There is now a new world order emerging and that order is tired of Islamic and anti Israel rhetoric which everyone knows to be anti Semitic rather than anti Israel.

    The stance against so called \”Palestine\” is still being realised and digested by the Barghoutis, Abbas’ Erekats etc. A realisation will dawn, soon, that contributions will dry up. 

    It will be a \”behave and negotiate\”or get lost.

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