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An inspiring answer to anti-Semitism




All these organisations have offices throughout the world, including South Africa, Japan, Finland, the United States, Canada and Russia and collect sizeable amounts money which go to Israel to buy blankets, kosher food, building equipment, ambulances and books for schoolchildren.  

They are involved in helping Israelis in more than 50 towns all over the country. All are headquartered in Jerusalem and all are Christian organisations.

Several of the speakers emphasised that the Jewish people had suffered at the hands of the Church over the centuries and they wanted to make up now for that suffering. Others reiterated that the Jews gave Christianity to the world and they rejoiced in doing the L-rd’s work in gratitude and to counter anti-Semitism.


Meyerson - This Sporting Life 1

Edna Freinkel; Christo Wiese (Christian Friends of Israel); Huibre Venter (International Christian Embassy Jerusalem); Jan Venter (International Christian Embassy Jerusalem); Bets Theron (Bridges for Peace); Johan Theron (Bridges for Peace); Shulamit Kagan (chairman, Elphin Lodge WIZO branch); Alida Schoultz (Ebenezer Operation Exodus).

Some of the services provided by these groups for our Jewish brethren in Israel, are to repair homes, provide hot school meals at 12 schools, attend to the sick and needy, especially Holocaust survivors, etc.

Thousands of Jews who have gone on aliyah from Ukraine, France, Europe, South America and Afric, are helped financially and emotionally for their first year in Israel. Other olim from the United States, Canada and the UK, are also helped to settle in.

The future looks much brighter and more hopeful in the hands of so many dedicated Christian lovers of Israel and the Jewish people. Contact them to hear their inspiring stories: Alida Schoultz- Ebenezer Operation Exodus Alida Schoultz

Jan & Huibre Venter – ICEJ – (International Christian Embassy Jerusalem) –; Christo & Rina Wiese – CFI (Christian Friends of Israel) –
Johan&Bets Theron – BFP    (Bridges For Peace)  –

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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Denis Solomons

    November 5, 2014 at 8:41 am

    ‘I think that there is a large section of Israel that caters extensively for Christians.

    I am thinking of the Tiberius area.

    Where they can see the cross that Jesus was carried on.

    Then there is the area where John the Baptist performed all his baptisms.

    The Church of Nativity in Tiberius shows the last supper with all the disciples there.

     I think Israel caters for all nationalities and is of cultural interest to all race groups.

    Bethlehem is of major interest as it is believed that a young Jesus was born there and Joseph his father was a carpenter there.

    Mary Magdalene also had her origins in Bethlehem !

    There are many more Christian roots in the area of the sea of Galilee and in Bethlehem itself.

    So sure Israel caters for the non-Jew as well !

    An interesting country to many religions.

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