Letters/Discussion Forums
Anti-Israel Jewish protesters compromise Israel’s security
I am appalled that the editor of the SA Jewish Report in his August 8 editorial defends the Israel-hating Jews who demonstrated outside our pro-Israel peace rally at Huddle Park, with his comments that “tolerance towards them from rally-goers lent more credence to the rally itself, accepting that there are differing views on the complex situation… Dissenters give everyone the impetus to interrogate their own views, something which is healthy.”
Gary Selikow
These Jews are not conscientious dissident; these are people filled with hate, who seemingly want to see every Israeli Jewish man, woman and child, dead.
They are making common cause with the same Muslims and communist far-left who are intimidating and terrorising the Jewish community. It is not as if they support Israel’s right to exist in peace and security and are making constructive criticism. These people seem to hate Israel as much as Hamas and Hezbollah do.
It was the crowd protesting outside the pro-Israel rally who were shouting abuse at Jews and others who had come to make common cause with Israel. They are not the conscience of the community – their conscience is very selective. These people mask their hostility by a highly selective humanitarianism that sees only Palestinians as worthy of compassion.
The Islamic community in South Africa is united in its hostility to Israel. It’s a disgrace that South African Jews cannot be united in support of Israel in her struggle for survival.
Were the Warsaw Ghetto collaborators with the Nazis, or the Soviet Yevsektsia (Jewish section of the Soviet Communist Party) who persecuted fellow Jews in that country, the conscience of their communities?
They (the protesters) are putting millions of lives of Jews both in Israel and the Diaspora in jeopardy.
These Jews do incalculable damage to the struggle of Israel to survive. Their actions encourage Arab terror; they come across as completely heartless, lacking in compassion for Jewish women and children murdered by the Palestinian terrorists in Israel.
It is not as if they support Israel’s right to exist in peace and security and are making constructive criticism.
How can human beings – let alone Jews – show solidarity with the perpetrators of the murder carried out by the PLO and Hamas and their positions?
I cannot and will not keep company with those who make common cause with modern-day Arab Nazis who shoot a pregnant Jewish woman at point blank range before executing her four terrified small daughters, or who massacred by knife the Fogel family, including a three-month-old girl and a four-year-old boy.
Gary Selikow
It seems that the irony of the situation is lost on our letter writer. To talk about the editor “defending” the protesters, is to miss the point completely. Please read the editorial (again) – this time carefully. – Editor