Letters/Discussion Forums

Anti-Semitism: Action speaks louder than words

I saw with disgust the front page of a recent Jewish Report. Then the disgust turned into anger and concern as I read the inside article by Ant Katz, “Anti- Semitic graffiti at Wits alarms university’s Jewish students”. What an insipid response.



Geoffrey Freeman, Sandton

The students will lodge an official complaint and find a way forward. Really?

The anti-Semites of this country lap up this sort of response; they read this response with glee.

It’s a typical scared, soft response from the Jewish community who don’t have the will or guts to go beyond this to what the anti-Semites say and think. This just reinforces the anti-Semites’ belief that the Jewish community does not have the mettle, the courage, the heart to “stand up”, to take the fight to the anti-Semites in this country.

It is about time that the Jewish community in this country actioned the “Never again” statement.

It is about time to not only make aggrieved statements, to lodge complaints; action needs to be taken to fight this scourge. Nationwide action needs to be taken, a well-co-ordinated programme of protest marches, anti-Semitic concerts, advertising campaigns showing the Jewish community is a force to be reckoned with.

These are many more actions that can be undertaken.

Let us be loud and vocal, let our anger be heard by all and our presence felt.

“Protection” groups on campus – it must be common knowledge that no Jewish student can be harassed, insulted or assaulted without severe repercussions.  

The anti-Semite has a mindset that is deeply entrenched with hate that will not be changed in most cases, if at all.

So, to take the passive approach of reaching out and to offer the olive branch has never worked as history and current events have proven. Lobbying Government is pointless as Government has made its stance very clear through its pro-Arab, pro-Palestinian statements and veiled anti-Semitism.

We Jews are not guests in this country; we are citizens with a long history of sojourn. As a community we have – and still – contribute positively in every sphere of South African life.

We as Jews have the right to stand up to fight ant-Semitism, so let us do so and show the anti-Semite that the Jewish community is a force to be reckoned with.

1 Comment

  1. Michael

    November 24, 2016 at 11:41 am

    ‘Very well said Geoffrey. I was at Wits in the late 50’s. 

    There was always antisemitism in those days but the boys did sort a few idiots out. I think we actually ran the joint and let them know it. I think in those days it was more token antisemitism … sort of hand me down – it’s The Jews.

    I’ve been out of the country 40 years so shouldn’t comment but to me I get the feeling that today it’s more insidious… it has a feeling of a lot of racism … which actually was always an issue especially if one wasn’t white.

    I don’t profess to be right but I get an uneasy feeling that The Jews especially those that can do something are trying hard to be invisible.The sad thing is there is no Olive Branch. The dimension involving antisemitism have been hijacked and evidence shows that Israel with it’s huge sacrifices have really shown that no longer is it an eye for an eye …. now it’s …Don’t Mess.

    Wish I was younger – I would be there to be counted. Can only hope that everyone pay attention to you comments.

    In Good Health.


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