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Are Woolworths’ Israel protestations really kosher?



Myron Robinson

While I heartily endorse Dis-Chem’s position, I have a problem with giving Woolworths the same unconditional endorsement for inter alia the following two reasons:

1. When Woolworths was taken to task for its original boycott stance, which has not been denied by the company (I refer to Kathy Kaler’s response quoted by you online that she spoke to the head of Woolworths marketing who put her on to the Woolworths Media liaison who confirmed that in fact Woolworths will no longer be stocking produce from Israel, and that they may overturn this when they see the reaction from the community but as it stands, there is no Israeli produce in the stores), Woolworths allegedly as a sign of good faith to the Jewish community posted a statement on their corporate website as quoted by you online but included the disclaimer that “less than 0,1 per cent of our food is sourced from Israel”, says Woolworths. “Woolworths has no political affiliations,” they stated emphatically.

1.1. Why has the rider been issued?

1.2. If it is complying with SA trade law on Israel, which incidentally it does not apply to any other country in “similar circumstances”, most notably China’s occupation of Nepal, why did Woolworths issue the rider? In my opinion this was done to try to appease its detractors, notably the BDS and its supporters. Dis-Chem to its credit, told its customers that if it does not like Dis-Chem’s policy, they are free to shop elsewhere.

2. It has been brought to my attention this Monday afternoon at around 14:00 that as at 12:00 on Monday, Woolworths’ Benmore store in Sandton, has a sign displayed over and/or alongside the Selwyn Segal products (for Rosh Hashanah) which reads inter alia: “All these products have been manufactured locally.”

Why do other local products in the store not have the same notice?

For the above two reasons I personally will not be giving any endorsement to Woolworths.


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  1. Gary Selikow

    September 16, 2014 at 11:37 am

    ‘I have just bought some Dead Sea products from Dischem Im proud to say’

  2. Nat Cheiman

    September 17, 2014 at 5:01 pm

    ‘I go out of my way to buy Israeli products and anyone who tries to stop me will accompany me to a hospital to get my fist out of his throat’

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